9-The Journey Begins

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Once outside I sat on a bench facing the garden. It was a charming garden with a calming atmosphere. Soon Gandalf joined me holding his smoking-pipe in hand. We could hear some crickets singing nearby making me relax my tense muscles. I looked at the wizard who was smoking his Old Toby.
Anya: "Let me guess Master Baggins, turned down the contract. He will not be joining us?"
Gandalf: "Oh, I wouldn't say that, my dear. But he will come around eventually. He may surprise you in the end."
Anya:(Sighing)"Somehow I doubt it, I mean one could tell he has never ventured outside his comfort zone. I mean aside from all the books which I saw in his library, thats his world not out here in the wild, Gandalf. People like you, me & those dwarfs are used to it."
Gandalf: "Why do I get the feeling that you have something else on your mind, Anya. Did Thorin say something to you?"
Anya:(Huffing, crossing my arms)"Its not so much at what he says, I mean the quest has hardly begun & already he doubts me, just because he is the leader. I don't know what you told him about me & I don't care, I just wish he would give me the benefit of the doubt just because I'm a woman."
Gandalf:(Chuckling lightly)"I wouldn't worry, Anya, Thorin can be stubborn but he will warm up to you eventually. Have faith, my dear."
Anya: "Well right now I'm wondering how do we convince Bilbo to join us. I doubt he will, Gandalf, if he does how will he defend himself?"
Looking at the wizard he just sat silently smoking his pipe. I simply sighed & tried to relax. In my own way I trust the wizard whom I have known since I was a child. For some reason he has this uncanny faith in the hobbit. A few minutes later I hear a humming noise inside the house as if someone was singing. Listening closely realizing one of the voices was Thorin's, it was kind of soothing relaxing one's soul, definitely doing something to my heart. I could easily hear the words while sitting out here, clearly.

Far over the misty mountains cold,
To dungeons deep & caverns old,
We must away, ere break of day,
To find our long forgotten gold.

Then the others joined in.

The pines were roaring, on the height.
The winds were moaning, in the night,
The fire was lit, its flaming spread,
The trees like torches blazed with light.

The night went silently by then tomorrow everything would change.
By morning everyone were already on the road, me & Gandalf on our horses while the dwarfs on their ponies. Before leaving Bilbo's house I requested Balin to leave the contract behind for the hobbit & he did. Who knows he might sign it, I hope. I was chatting with Bofur, Kili & Fili talking about their lives in the Blue mountains. For once Fili didn't seem to be nervous around me, the blond shy dwarf from last night was gone much to my relief. As I was laughing & chatting with the young princes I kept sensing as if I was being watched. Looking up at first I couldn't tell then I noticed Thorin kept glancing back as I was talking to his nephews. I frowned at this wondering what was going through that stubborn dwarf's head but I shook my head, ignoring this fuzzy feeling. Soon the conversation's topic changed towards a certain hobbit not being with us, I simply shook my head amused by this, seriously? Then behind us we heard someone shouting for us to halt. We all stopped & turned around, well lo & behold it was none other than the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins running towards us holding the contract. I felt like bursting with joy seeing the hobbit among us that I felt like hugging him but I restraint myself. I was smiling at Bilbo as Balin studied the contract which was signed of course. I saw Thorin staring at me with an odd expression on his face making me uncomfortable much, jeez.
Balin: "Well everything seems to be in order. Bilbo Baggins welcome in the company of Thorin Oakenshield."
Thorin: "Give him a pony."
Bilbo started babbling about not needing one but would rather walk on foot, even though no one was paying heed on what he was saying Fili & Kili grabbed the hobbit by his shoulders lifted him placed him on a small pony carrying some supplies. He looked like a sight guess he never sat on a pony before.
Oin: "Alright, Nori, pay up lad."
Reluctantly Nori tossed a bag of coins at Oin, one towards me, what can I say took a chance for the first & the last time. Even Gandalf had taken the wager whether Bilbo would come or not besides Balin, Dwalin & Thorin of course. Pretty soon Bilbo started to complain that he forgot to bring his handkerchief. But Gandalf explained that now his life would change & to leave behind the comforts of home.

846 words!

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