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Thorin & I just sat there eating our meal, I know its not very often that the dwarf next to me would make compliments to anyone like he did to me.
Thorin: "I assume your mother taught you how to cook?"
Anya: "Yes, she taught me when I was very young, she was an excellent cook herself. Being an only daughter has its perks at times."
Thorin: "Only daughter? So you had brothers then?"
Anya: "Yes, I had three actually, we were a handful bunch though. Andrein, Anakin & Aerof. Anakin & Aerof were twins."
Thorin: "Hmph, yes you did mention back there about your family being killed by the orcs?"
Anya: "Ambushed to be exact, Gandalf was there, my oldest brother Andrein & I were the only survivors."
Thorin:(Sighing)"Anya, I have been meaning to apologize to you of how I reacted back there. I did not mean it."
That surprised me as I stared at him, Thorin Oakenshield apologizing that is rare.
Anya: "There is no need to apologize, you did know about my past."
Thorin: "True, but I inquired Gandalf about you a bit more."(Avoiding my gaze & blushing?)
Anya: "About me? Why?"
Thorin: "To avoid further unpleasantries in the future between us."
Saying that he had a strange glimmer in his eyes while looking at me which made my heart thump oddly. Today has been an odd day though first Gandalf leaves us & now here I am having a civilized conversation with none other than the leader Thorin Oakenshield. Under my lashes I observed that he was enjoying the snack I made while his bowl was placed on the boulder near his foot.
Thorin: "So now I know that you can cook but I was also told that you can fight, that is still left to see, lass."
Anya:(Rolling my eyes, seriously)"As I had mentioned earlier you would not be disappointed, Sir."
Thorin: "I would prefer it if you could just call me Thorin, Anya."
Ookay, that was unexpected, why was he being nice to me all of a sudden? Also the way he was looking at me made my heart thump faster. I was about to say something then I heard footsteps running towards us, quickly I glanced behind us over my shoulder as did Thorin. Dwalin dropped his bowl & stood up his hands reaching his weapons as if expecting an attack. I quickly stood up stepped down the boulder walking towards the burly dwarf with Thorin joining us as well. The figure who was running towards us waved his hand frantically, as he got closer, it was Fili. Thorin & I glanced each other in confusion, suddenly Fili's foot tripped over a rock but I managed to grab him before he fell facedown on the ground.
Thorin: "Fili, what are you doing here? You were supposed to be on pony duty with your brother."
Anya: "Are you alright, Fili? Why do you seem so flustered?"
Dwalin: "Well? Speak up, lad, we haven't got all night!"
He was breathing hard waving his hand to say wait a moment.
Fili: "We were on pony duty just like you said, uncle. But we encountered a slight problem."
Anya:(My heart sinking a little)"Problem? Exactly what kind of problem?"
Fili: "Well there were 16 ponies including your horse, Anya. But there are now 14 left."
All three of us: "What?!?"
Dwalin: "But how, when, by whom?"
Fili: "By trolls, they have a camp nearby."
All three: "What?!?"
Thorin: "But how can that be? How could you two be so careless...!"
Anya: "Sorry to interrupt you, Thorin. Fili, just before I came here I saw Bilbo headed your way with your meal. Where is he?"(Feeling dread for some odd reason).
Fili:(Looking sheepish)"Um, actually we sent him to rescue the ponies."
Anya: "What! How could you do that, sending him to the troll's den?"
Dwalin: "Thorin, we must inform the others at once."
Thorin: "Where is your brother, Fili?"
Fili: "He went back to get Bilbo...!"
We did not let him finish, with our weapons out we headed straight for the camp. Gathering the others we headed straight to the troll's camp. Once we got there I saw just in time as one of the trolls tossing Bilbo towards Kili, both fell to the ground, with that we attacked the trolls, they were three of them. I was using my bow & arrows hitting the trolls where it hurt the most, while dodging their attempts to catch me. Meanwhile I was able to watch Bilbo letting the ponies escape, thank goodness. A few minutes later everyone just stopped at once.
Kili: "Bilbo!!!"
Thorin: "Don't"(Holding Kili back with his hand on his chest).
Confused I looked up but I saw made me cringe, there the trolls were holding poor Bilbo by his arms & legs, seriously?
Troll#1: "Lay down yer arms or we will break his."
Bilbo was clearly scared out of his wits as he stared at us & I don't blame him. I looked towards Thorin he was our leader, his call but to my dismay he dropped his weapon. Reluctantly we all did the same. Soon 8 of us were stuffed in a sack while the others were on a spit above the fire, ugh, I hate trolls. I was placed between Thorin & Bilbo, Balin's feet were at my back.
We were trying our best to get loose somehow but no such luck, our weapons were taken away from us & for the first time in my life I felt helpless. One the trolls began to grumble about wrapping this up since dawn was coming up & they would be turned into stone.

944 words!

A Hobbit's Tale-An Unexpected Friendship.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu