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We set up camp by some rocks, most of the company were fast asleep but few were awake. I was cleaning my weapons while listening to the snores of the dwarfs. I saw Bilbo's head shot up, guess Bombur's loud snoring was keeping him awake. They were loud I admit, then Bilbo stood up began to walk where the ponies were. Then he began to feed his pony, Myrtle an apple, so sweet. Then in a distance a strange cry was heard, I knew whom it was though but the hobbit looked startled.
Bilbo: "What was that?"
Kili: "Orcs out on a night raid."
Out of the corner of my I saw Thorin bolt up alert, he was napping as well. Slowly Bilbo came towards where we sat by the fire, as if to make himself feel safe.
Fili: "Aye, they attack as a pack at the wee hours of the night at some unsuspecting victims, without remorse."
Kili: "They leave nothing behind except lots of blood."
That clearly spooked poor Bilbo, then the two Durin brothers started snickering I was glaring at them for trying to frighten poor Bilbo. I was about to say something to them but their uncle beat me to it.
Thorin: "You think this is funny, an orc raid in the night?"
Kili: "We didn't mean anything by it."
Thorin: "Of course you didn't. You know nothing of this world."
Ookay that was too much, I looked back at the two brothers they looked dejected. Feeling sorry for them I stood up & walked towards where Thorin was standing. Standing erect, tall & squared shoulders like royalty ought to be, as I came closer I cleared my throat lightly.
Anya: "You do know that was unnecessary, they meant no harm by it."
Thorin: "What would you know about it? Just because you are part of the company does not make you one of us. So just mind your own business."
I was completely thrown aback by his rude tone, it made my temper rise.
Anya: "So you seem to assume that I'm ignorant is that it. Now you listen to me, Thorin Oakenshield, you know nothing about my past, trust me I know what its like to be in an orc attack. I was only a child when I witnessed my whole family slaughtered at once, with their heads cut off from their bodies & I have seen much worse. Besides you are not the only one who lost everything that day."
Huffing, I turned back to my spot not bothering to see the expression on his face. I felt the sting of tears at corners of my eyes but I held them back, no I shall not show any sign of weakness not even for the satisfaction for that annoying dwarf. Bilbo looked at me with sympathy but I smiled back at him as reassurance that I was alright.
Balin: "Don't mind him, lads, Miss Anya, Thorin has more than one cause to hate orcs than any other."
Then he began to talk about the battle of Moria, I have heard about it many times from my father. The loss of King Thror, the disappearance of Prince Thrain & the battle between Thorin & Azog the Defiler. How Thorin managed to defeat the orcs by slicing off the arm of the pale orc. I knew this by heart, knowing whats it like to lose your family. The death of the King Dwarf & the disappearance of his son so naturally the burden was on Thorin's shoulders. I saw the dwarfs gaze at Thorin with respect in their eyes for their soon to be King.
Bilbo: "What happened to the pale orc?"
Thorin: "The filth returned to the hole from whence he came from licking his wounds, he soon died after that."
That made me look at Gandalf in surprise as he exchanged the look with Balin. I stood up & gestured to Gandalf to follow me, as soon as we were out of earshot I turned with a grim look on my face.
Gandalf: "Whats the matter, Anya? You seem agitated."
Anya: "He does not know about it, does he?"
Gandalf: "I'm sorry who doesn't know what, child?"
Anya: "What? You know very well whom I mean, Gandalf! Thorin! About the certain pale orc who is still alive & kicking. About the price on his head."
Gandalf: "You are just being paranoid, my dear."
Anya: "Am I wha...don't be daft old man. Don't you realize that if Thorin finds out that Azog lives after all this time, it could shatter him. And don't you dare say that chances of that are zero, that they may not come face to face again."
Gandalf just looked at me with an odd look on his face turned back to the camp, I just stood there staring at his retreating figure with my jaw dropped to the ground, as if seriously? Breathing in & out slowly, I followed the wizard back at the camp.

828 words!

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