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Slowly some of my chapters may either seem long or short, but bear with me.

Our goose were being cooked, literally, I was racking my brains to find a way to save us all be rid of these trolls as well, then Bilbo began to say something.
Bilbo: "Wait, you are making a terrible mistake."
Dori: "There is no use reasoning with them, they are half-wits."
Bofur: "Half-wits?!? Then what does that make us?"
I rolled my eyes at their comments & began wondering what the hobbit is upto as I saw him struggle to stand on his feet.
Bilbo: "I meant about the seasoning!"
Troll#1: "What do you know about cooking dwarfs & a human?"
Bilbo: "Well have you smelt them? It would take a lot more than sage to plate this lot up."
The dwarfs began to grumble as Bilbo spoke. The first of the trolls began to ignore Bilbo but the other one didn't
Troll#2: "Wait, Bert, let the flurraburlahobbit speak."
Bilbo: "Now the secret in cooking dwarfs & a human is...!"
Troll#2: "Yes? Come on, tell me the secret, speak up!"
Bilbo:(Clenching his teeth)"Yes I'm telling you, the secret is...to skin them first."
My jaw dropped at what he just said, seriously? Next I cringed as the dwarfs were shouting insults at the hobbit. What was this cheeky hobbit upto, then at the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of a figure with a pointy hat pass by behind a boulder. Looking back at Bilbo I was sure he saw it too. The first troll named Bert did not agree then the third  troll picked up Bombur held him above his mouth. I began to panic for the first time I felt helpless.
Bilbo: "Wait, not that one, he is infected. He has worms in his tubes."
Everyone stared at him confusion, say what?
Bilbo: "He is infected with them in fact all of them are even the human girl. Its a terrible business I wouldn't risk it."
At that he dropped Bombur & he landed on Kili, ouch! When he mentioned about the worms the dwarfs were outraged & began shouting, seriously. Since Thorin was near me his was the loudest, I nudged my shoulder against his which got his attention.
Anya: "Will you quit shouting at my ear before I go deaf? Can't you see that he is buying us time."
Thorin:(Grumbling)"Time? For what & how would you know?"
At that I nudged him again pointing with my nose behind the trolls at the boulder, there came a glimmer of sunrise. Thorin looked back at me frowning at first then his face began to clear up, next he kicked his foot near Kili's head. That got their attention, then they caught on at the present situation, then they began shouting about how big their worms were which made me roll my eyes & next to me Thorin began to chuckle, seriously? But the trolls were not buying it, jeez!
Voice: "The dawn shall take you all!"
On top of the boulder stood the familiar figure, none other than Gandalf the Grey, yes he came back. Then he slammed his staff at middle of the boulder. It cracked in half causing the sunlight to flood upon the trolls, who immediately before our eyes turned into stones. Soon everybody cheered at this, Bilbo just stood there as if stumped. I let out a deep breath relieved & next to me Thorin smiled a real one, wow!
Dwalin: "Oh! Get yer foot out of my back!"
Soon we all were free from our captivity, retrieving clothes & weapons. Thorin held my hand for support as Kili helped me out of my sack, boy it felt good to be free. Dwalin handed my jacket to me I smiled at him in thanks, the burly dwarf simply nodded his head turned to help the others.
Thorin: "Are you alright, Anya? Are you injured or anything?"
I simply stared at him, he was concerned about me, wow, that made me kind of nervous for he was still holding my hand making me blush slightly so I just shook my head. He squeezed my hand lightly then released me, that familiar jolt went through my body making me confused again. I just don't know what to make of this, why should I be attracted to him? I turned my head spotting the hobbit not far from me, he was struggling with his coat, smiling I walked towards him, he managed to clean himself from that troll's snot, ewww! I grabbed his coat he flinched a little but when he saw it was me he relaxed & I helped him with his coat.
Anya: "Listen, Bilbo, on behalf of everyone I came here to thank you."
Bilbo: "Thank me? For what exactly?"
Anya: "For saving us from those trolls back there, seriously that was quick thinking from your part."
Bilbo: "Oh that was nothing really, Anya. It just something I felt the right thing to do. Besides since I was the one who got everyone in trouble."
Anya: "Nevertheless, Master Baggins, you have earned my respect, I'm pretty sure the others will too, you know eventually."
Bilbo just shrugged his shoulders & smiled, he really was a humble little fellow. Behind me our leader told everyone to start looking for a cave. Right where those trolls used to stay during the daytime. Bilbo & I began our search same as the others did. Not far we spotted one, but before either of us could take another step a strong foul stench hit us. It caused Bilbo to stumble back but I just stood there trying to peek in holding my breath. Sure enough this was it, Bilbo's complexion nearly turned green but I held on, not used to this kind of odor in my life.
Anya:(Coughing slightly)"Gandalf, Thorin, I think we have found their cave over here!"
With hurried footsteps Thorin & Gandalf came towards us as I pointed towards the cave. Overwhelmed by the foul smell I began to stumble a bit but a large comforting hand supported me. It was Thorin, near him I saw Bilbo trying to recover as well.
Thorin: "Anya, are you both alright?"
Anya:(Coughing again, trying to focus)"Yeah, its just that I have never smelt anything this foul in my life. I knew that the trolls were filthy but, ugh!"
He placed his arm around my shoulders led me a little further away from the cave. By then Dwalin, Nori, Bofur & Gloin came by, they looked at me with concern even Dwalin.
Nori: "Is she alright? She looks pale, has something happened?"
Bofur: "She is fine, laddie, guess she is not used to the stench. Here, lass, ye better sit down here."
Leaving me with Bilbo who almost recovered by then, the wizard & the dwarfs entered the cave. I began deep breathes to take in some fresh air.

1156 words!

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