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Hello, readers, I hope that you are enjoying my story. If you are send your votes & comments.😸😻 Just to let you know just because I have this crush on Thorin Oakenshield does not make me unfaithful to my hubby. Thats right I am a married woman with a daughter👪. This is my fantasy.

Soon the little hobbit-hole was buzzing with activity. I was sitting between Ori & Kili enjoying the food. Food was being thrown about, some of them being thrown straight towards this plump red-headed dwarf named Bombur. Ale being spilled, making sure none would spill on my outfit though. An ale drinking & a burping competition, ugh! The atmosphere around me made me feel nostalgic. It reminded me the time my brothers & I would behave this way laughing & all. Mother would scold us quite sternly to behave ourselves. Looking towards our host poor Bilbo Baggins had that similar expression on his face but kept quiet though, guess he is not used to this type of ruckus. Snapping fingers made me flinch, turning to my right was Kili.
Kili:(Smiling)"Penny for your thoughts, love, is everything alright? You seem dazed."
Anya: "Oh, its nothing, I'm fine. Tell me, Kili, Gandalf told me that there will be thirteen of you lot, but I counted that there are only twelve of you."
Kili: "Oh, don't worry, uncle had to care of some small matter before coming here. He is just a little late, thats all."
Anya: "Pardon, your uncle?"
Ori:(Tapping my left shoulder lightly)"The leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield. He is their uncle."
Making an O sound from my mouth, not knowing this minor detail. Excusing myself I stood up searching for Gandalf, avoiding not to bump into anyone. Ouch! Too late, Bilbo Baggins collided against me, a clearly disgruntled look on his face. Seems to me he was complaining to Gandalf about the mess around his house, poor fellow. What can I say they are dwarfs, a rambunctious bunch at that. As I was about to open my mouth when Ori came to Bilbo holding a plate.
Ori: "Sorry to interrupt, but what should I do with my plate?"
Fili: "Here, Ori, give it here."
Next thing I knew with a flick of his wrist he tossed the plate over narrowly missing Gandalf who dodged it & Kili grabbed the plate threw it behind him. What reflexes, I was stunned, I watched as the dwarfs continued with the other crockeries. Poor Bilbo had a flabbergasted look on his face, concerned about his family's heirloom.
Anya:(Smiling)"C'mon Bilbo will you relax, there is no harm being done."
Bilbo clearly not paying any heed turned his attention towards others who were clinking his utensils & stomping their feet.
Bilbo: "Please don't do that you will blunt the knives."
Bofur: "Oooh! Hear that lads? He says we'll blunt the knives."
Then they began singing catchy song while they were tossing & flinging the crockeries about, using them as musical instruments. Clearly enjoying the song tapping my foot along the rhythm & humming. A few minutes later Bilbo then pushed his way over between the dwarfs, there all his dishes were neatly stacked & clean. Everyone began laughing at the look Bilbo had on his face, I chuckled lightly as well. Then the sound of three knocks were heard. Everyone stood still, an ominous silence in the room. I glanced towards Gandalf & he looked at me.
Gandalf: "He is here."
By he I could guess whom, I admit I am a little nervous though. Gandalf walked over to the door, the company had gathered nearby. I stood behind Kili, he looked up with a smile on his face & winked at me. I smiled back, holding my breath, strange in such a short while I had developed a sisterly affection towards Kili. As for Fili, well everytime I glanced at him or caught him looking at me, he would either blush or turn away, seriously?

663 words!

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