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The room was the same as I had left it, nothing had changed. First I used the bathroom for a long bath in my wild jasmine scented toiletries, my favorite. I was not used to such luxuries just like to keep it simple & plain. Refreshed I headed to my wardrobe & took out a sky-blue dress with a rusty colored lace at the seams of the sleeves & the hem of the dress. I'm a good seamstress myself I tailor my own dresses according to my taste. Wearing my dress I sat at my dressing table to brush my long hair till it dried, made a couple of braids & pinned them at the back. I used a light pink, gloss lipstick & a black kohl for my eyes making them appear bigger but no other makeup. Don't need them, thanks to my mother my complexion was natural. On my feet I wore a pair of pale blue flats, for jewelery only a pair of gold earrings which belonged to my mother. Having one last look in the mirror feeling satisfied I left my room & headed to where we were about to have lunch. A few elves whom I knew greeted me by bowing their heads & I did the same, it felt good to be back here. As I was heading out not far I overheard a couple of servants gossiping, at first decided to ignore them for I hate gossips. But when I overheard them saying something about the dwarfs, now that caught my attention. Curiously I stepped closer to listen, one of the maids had seen the dwarfs naked taking a bath in the fountain a couple of hours ago, say what?!? God, I felt my cheeks burn at what I just heard, Lord Elrond & Lindir were also there, great. Part of me hoped that Thorin was not among them. But when I heard that the dwarf Prince was personally escorted to one of the chambers I felt relieved, but I felt dismayed at what the others did. Shameful, seriously. I started to head towards the balcony where I was able to spot Lord Elrond with Gandalf & Thorin. I could see that both Gandalf & Thorin were looking fresh as well, can't comment on the others though if you know what a I mean. To my left the company were already seated. As I got closer Gandalf & Lord Elrond had stopped, smiled at me as I got closer, but I noted that Thorin's eyes had widened a little as he gazed at me from head to toe as if mesmerized. Momentarily I blushed, my inner voice spoke up, Calm down, Anya, it could be just a phase, remember we came here to Rivendell to ask Lord Elrond about the map, that is all. Confidently I approached them & smiled in return, Lord Elrond stepped forward took both my hands in his, he smiled fondly at me like a father would to his daughter.
Lord Elrond: "It brings such joy & pride to see how well you have been doing, my child. If only your parents could see you now. A brave, confident & beautiful young woman just like your mother. I still remember that lost little girl you had brought with you, Gandalf. Now that is all in the past, I'm sure she will accomplish wonderful things like her father, rest his soul."
Gandalf: "Indeed you are right, my friend."(Chuckling fondly)"I have seen her progress from time to time. She has come a long way so has her brother Andrien in his own way. She will do us proud."
While this was going on I noticed that Thorin had a displeased look on his face, observing him under my lashes I saw him glaring at the way Lord Elrond was holding my hands, seriously? Was he jealous? Then Lord Elrond took out a small box from his robes & looked at me.
Lord Elrond: "I have this small token which your parents trusted me to keep for you, Anya."(Sighing, heavily)"They were hoping to give it to you once you come of age but I believe now seems a better time."
First he glanced at Gandalf who nodded slightly, Lord Elrond slowly opened the box to reveal a medium-small sized golden locket, it glimmered in the sunlight. He removed from the box & stepped towards me placing the locket around my neck, feeling slightly confused but awkward since I could see Thorin was still glaring. Looking down at the locket I saw it had my family initials on it with a capital 'H'. With trembling fingers I opened the locket, in it were two small portraits, one was of my parents & the other was that of us. Meaning me & my brothers when we were just kids. My vision blurred with tears as I looked at Gandalf & Lord Elrond then I gave them both a warm hug.
Anya: "Oh, thank you both so much, this is not just a locket but my life. I shall never part with it, thank you."
Gandalf:(Chuckling)"Think nothing of it, dear. Actually we were hoping to give this to you on your wedding day. But I believe now was a best time."
He patted my cheek slightly then wiped my tears, it was time for lunch so Gandalf offered me his arm, laughing lightly I placed my hand in his & headed for our seats.
Gandalf: "Thank you for inviting us, even though I'm not dressed for the occasion."
Lord Elrond: "You never are, my friend!"
We all laughed lightly at this, endearingly I squeezed Gandalf's arm & he looked at me, gently patting my hand. Thorin was behind us & he was quiet, perhaps too quiet. I noticed that the dwarfs were staring at me, some with their mouths open slightly. Hiding my smile I began glaring at them once seated.
Anya: "Close your mouths otherwise some flies shall land on them."
That did the trick, then the Elf servants began to serve them. The food mostly were of green salads, fruits & others which I'm sure that the dwarfs do not like. Dori was trying to convince Ori to try some, but his younger brother refused. Oh well, guess it was upto me to make amends to them, I know just the thing too. I noticed that Kili was flirting with a young Elf maiden playing the harp & she was rather enjoying it. But when Bofur & Dwalin glare at him he tries to act nonchalent, the cheeky dwarf, I could not help smile at this. Then he began smiling at the other Elf servant, seriously?
Anya: "Actually, Kili, I'm afraid the servant is not a she but a he!"
Everyone at the table started snickering at that & poor Kili was really embarrased by this. While eating my food I could not help but feel Thorin's eyes on me from time to time as if trying to get my attention. But I ignored him, rude I know but we had company. Lord Elrond began to examine the swords found by Gandalf & Thorin in the troll's cave. Thorin's sword was an Orcrist the goblin-cleaver, an appropiate name so to speak. Forged by the high elves of Gondolin & Gandalf's sword was Glamdring the foe-hammer, forged for the King of Gondolin. As a child Lord Elrond would tell me about these stories of his kin of the First Ages. Used during the Goblin Wars. I also know that some Elvish blade turn into blue color whenever orcs or goblins are nearby.
Lord Elrond: "Where did you come by these?"
Gandalf: "We found them in a troll caves at the Great East Road right before we were chased by the orc pack."
When Lord Elrond inquired why were we at that particular area. Thorin suddenly excused himself & stood up from his chair, I frowned at his change of mood. He seemed upset about something & he hardly touched his food. He took out some kind of a flask from his pocket & began drinking from it. I knew the dwarfs were bored by now due to the music & the food. So Bofur decided to kick up a notch by standing on the table much to the dismay of the Elves present & began singing. The others joined in & began throwing their food about again, instead of being outraged by this I was enjoying it. I was also tapping my foot along with his song. I stood up as the song ended to applaud & Bofur bowed his head at me by removing his hat, smiling. By nightfall everyone had scattered about, Gandalf, Thorin, Balin & Bilbo were inside Lord Elrond's house to discuss about the map, hopefully avoiding letting him know about our mission. Which I believe was highly unlikely. In the meantime I was in the kitchen preparing the treats for the dwarfs. I had prepared the ingredients & my trusted elf staff were doing the rest. After that I decided to go for a walk just to clear my head & prepare myself to what might come ahead on this quest.

1504 words!

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