8-The Contract

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Since there was hardly any morsel of food left, I managed to make a decent broth, found a cupful of ale remained in Bilbo's pantry. I served them to Thorin Oakenshield, he thanked me started eating, I sat behind Gandalf sitting on a stool since the chairs were occupied.
Everyone remained silent as he finished his meal. I was just sitting there brooding but I could not help but sense a pair of eyes watching me. Looking up, no one was, shrugging I simply waited.
Balin: "What news from Erid Liun, did they all come?"
Thorin: "Aye, all seven of them have agreed & had joined us."
At that everyone at table mumbled their approval.
Dwalin: "What about the dwarfs of the Iron Hills say? Is Dain still with us?"
Thorin: "They will not come. To them its our quest & ours alone."
I blinked pondering at these words, this Dain Ironfoot II, Lord of the Iron Hills? Father told me a few details about him, not a reasonable one to be dealt with. I thought he was Thorin's cousin.
Bilbo: "So you are going on a quest?"
Okaaay, that made me flinch, so Gandalf had not given him the reason for this adventure/quest?
Gandalf: "Bilbo, my dear fellow, would you be kind enough to bring us more light, please."
I volunteered to help as well, we placed a few candles here & there as I was about to take my place I noticed that Gandalf had taken out an old parchment which looked like a map.
Leaning closer I was able to read the Lonely Mountain meaning Erebor? Thats interesting, as I was leaning over my shoulder brushed by Thorin's shoulder, he then looked up our eyes connected for a second. What looked like a sparkle in his blue eyes or something but I managed to pull myself together. Seriously, what is going on? I should not be feeling this way, I'm not denying that he is a handsome dwarf but we are totally different. Taking a deep breath I sat down & listened. Gandalf explained that there might be a clue hidden in the map about how to open a hidden dwarfish door. Balin commented that it was invisible & there was no key. As if by magic Gandalf produced an old key from his robes which surprised the entire company including me. That cheeky old wizard always upto something. It peaked my curiousity as to how he was able to obtain it when Gandalf said that Prince Thrain himself gave to him, I was shocked, how come he never told me? Then they began discussing on how Bilbo Baggins will take part in this as a burglar. Of course I was about to object but I understood where Gandalf was going with this. Smaug, the dragon was already accustomed to both dwarfs & human scent but a hobbit is unknown to him. This may work to our advantage alright despite poor Bilbo's attempts at backing out Thorin handed him the contract to sign. I had already signed my part in this so I was content. Even though I could sense some doubts from the company especially from Thorin. I saw him leaning towards Gandalf speaking in a hushed tone which I could not hear though, uh oh! As Bilbo read the contents of the contract he seemed satisfied with the terms as the fifteenth member. Gandalf & I shared a pleased glance, this may go without a glitch then, then the hobbit began to read the terms about when or if he faces the dragon. I looked at Gandalf with a question mark on my face, the wizard seemed a little uneasy as well. Observing Bilbo's face as he turned to the dwarfs, turning into an unpleasant shade of ash. Bofur began to ramble on what a dragon was capable of, I began to feel sorry for Bilbo & at the same time wishing someway to get Bofur to stop talking. Too late the poor halfling dropped to the floor before the company & fainted.
Anya: "Very helpful, Master Bofur."
He smiled at me apologetically as I glared at him. Somehow I carried Bilbo with Gandalf's help to the chair by the fireplace. I made some tea for him to recover as soon as he regained concsious. Few minutes later I was leaning by door watching Gandalf as he was trying to persuade Bilbo. Someone cleared their throat behind me, turning I saw Balin smiling at me, so I smiled in return.
Balin: "Pardon my curiousity, my dear. I know Gandalf had indeed favored you to be a part of our company. But I wish to hear it from you if there is no offense that is."
Anya:(Smiling at the kind dwarf)"None taken, Master Balin. I can understand what you are refering to. I have practically lived outdoors nearly half of my life, rest assured I shall bear no ill-will on this journey."
Thorin: "Still what if some sort of mishap does occur to you then. Can you cope with the situation, lass?"
Anya:(Straightening my shoulders)"As I said, Master Dwarf, that I can handle myself very well. I know how adapt myself towards any situation thrown at me."
After that our eyes connected again for a brief moment I felt that familiar tingle again. Tearing my gaze away, I huffed lightly & brushed past Thorin to step outside the house for some fresh air. I knew the dwarfs were thick-headed & stubborn, but Thorin Oakenshield, the most.

916 words!

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