25-Bilbo Baggins

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Sorry! The last chapter was the cliffhanger!😹😉! After this one more book, eh! Enjoy!

I released my breath in a whoosh, just as I landed on that tree's branch along with the company. What a predicament! Definitely trapped like rats for sure. Everywhere I look there is danger, Azog the Defilor, the wargs & the long fall behind us. Big question was what do we do next? I glanced at our enemy below, Azog, he had an evil smirk on his scarred face. He was definitely enjoying this, seeing us cornered that is. I was fuming from inside as I glared at the pale monster, how I wish to just somehow wipe that stupid smile off his face or at least hurt him badly. But no, right now I'm sure that someone else has to do it himself, though. To think that after all these years, seeing my family's murderer in front of me. I assumed it would make me, maybe, you know, freak me out. Yet somehow all I feel is just disdain & hatred towards the pale orc. Just as I was pondering on this suddenly a ball of fire landed right in the middle of the animals, causing them to scatter in fright & pain. Glancing above me to my pleasant surprise, Gandalf had lit some pinecones on fire! What a genius! He was holding a couple of them handing one to me & Fili. Bilbo lit his from Fili's while Balin did from mine. I threw mine directly at the back of a warg, sending it yelping in pain, they hate fire, well, no dah! Soon others took aim & threw their own fireballs, attacking them which so to speak really displeased Azog. The wargs backed out much to our great joy & relief for we had just began cheering. It became short for I could hear the sickening cracking sound. Next thing I knew the tree on which we were on started to keel over. And the tree barely hung on to its roots, seriously! We all hung on as if our lives depended on it, literally. My jacket had wedged onto something, prevented me from falling, thank goodness. At the corner of my eye I saw poor Ori loose his grip but he was able to grab his brother, Dori's leg. Whew, for now! The fire which we had caused was spreading fast, hauling myself up, just in time I saw Thorin standing up. He was having an eye contact with the pale orc, his orcrist on one hand while an oak branch on his left arm. My heart dropped to my boots, as I saw him take a step forward. I gulped nervously, thinking, 'Oh no, fudgesticks, he is NOT going to do what I believe he is going to do, is he? This is suicide.' my inner voice screamed in my head aloud, causing me to flinch. I had to stop him, but I could not move looking down I noticed that my jacket had been caught by the tree's stump, seriously? Bilbo was close to me & even he looked worried for Thorin as well. I watched helplessly, as the stubborn dwarf began to pick up pace, his gaze still on Azog. As for Azog he was still astride his white warg, waiting, huh Azog, waiting? Oblivious to the fire blazing around him, Thorin took off in a run, charging towards Azog. I know that besides myself & Bilbo, the company also had their eyes fixed on them, holding their breath. Thorin raised his Orcrist & his oaken shield as he kept on going as for Azog, he barely flinched. He just sat there watching the dwarf. The moment Thorin came nearer, Azog who still sat astride his white warg leaped from the rock & the creature's paw slammed on his chest. Thorin landed on his back in a thud, ouch! 'That is not fair, that coward!', shouted my inner voice. I could tell the dwarfs especially Balin & Dwalin were getting uneasy, watching this. Thorin was trying to get back to his feet just as Azog turned around. He raised his weapon, he swung it, SMACK, connecting Thorin's jaw & he collapsed on the ground. I clenched my jaws tightly, my heart thumping faster, tears blurring my vision. What, tears? Yet I know that this won't help Thorin. Suddenly I heard someone screaming in pain & anguish. Looking back & what I saw made my heart stop beating, momentarily. I saw Thorin in the jaws of the white warg, this time not literally. Behind me, I cringed just as Dwalin screamed his lungs out & trying to find a way to reach Thorin, who was still trapped.
Dwalin: "THORIN! NO!?!"
Then I saw Bilbo stand up, squaring his shoulders & taking out his sword. Then he looked down at me, offering me his hand. At first I was confused but seeing the determination in his eyes I understood. I took out my weapons before taking my jacket off. Grabbing Bilbo's hand I stood up next to him, wiping my tears. Nodding at the hobbit we both took off in a run, I let Bilbo take the lead. In the meantime, Thorin, had managed to free himself by hitting the warg's snout with the hilt of his sword. The warg tossed him in the air & he landed on a slab of rock. He wasn't moving much, then I was able to catch Azog in his black speech saying to one of his minion to cut off Thorin's head. As if thats going to happen, I was sure by now Thorin was trying to somehow fight back by reaching his orcrist. I took out my dagger & aimed it at that accursed orc's arm before he could strike. It flinched & that is when Bilbo tackled it on the ground. I used my swords to ward off the wargs by slicing their guts just as I made my way to Thorin, who had passed out by now. Bilbo plunged his sword into the enemy's chest then pulling it out he stood next to me. I stared straight into the pale orc's eyes & he did the same. I don't suppose that he could remember that little girl, 20 years ago? Bilbo was swinging his sword as if to keep them at bay. I stepped closer to Thorin keeping my one eye on to Azog while I checked on the dwarf. Placing my hand on his chest I could feel nothing, taking a deep breath, slowly I could feel his chest moving, thank god, he was still alive! Then Azog ordered his minions to attack us, slowly they advanced towards us, I gripped my weapons tightly, ready. Next I heard a warrior's yell to my right, I saw Dwalin, Fili & Kili charging towards the enemy, to my great relief & delight. Bilbo joined in as well while stayed back to check on Thorin. Upon closer look, he had bruises on his face. On further examining him there were definite wounds of teeth marks on his chest. The wounds made by that white warg, some blood definitely seeping out. I felt my heart clench just seeing him lying here defenceless & vulnerable. I hated seeing him this way, I know what he just did was reckless & stupid. Then again even I would react the same way he did. My vision blurred with tears as I gazed on his face, unconscious. As I placed my hand gently on his cheek that familiar jolt went through my arm straight to my heart. Like always I tried to ignore it but I could not at this moment, for now I know what it meant. I love him, thats right I had fallen in love with this hard-headed, stubborn dwarf. I touched my forehead with his, tears falling from my eyes to his face.
Anya:(Whispering)"Thorin, please hang on. You are going to make it, I shall help you, I promise. Just hang on!"
Sensing danger near, in the corner of my eye I saw the white warg push Bilbo on the ground. The warg's gaze was on Bilbo but the pale orc's eyes were on me, glaring at me so intensly inwardly I gulped. 'Oh man, did he recognize me? The little girl of 8 years old? Whose family he had killed in cold blood, all those years ago?' doubted my inner voice. Before I could react I heard a loud screeching sound above me, flinching, I saw a giant bird, an eagle! Gaping in shock, I ducked my head on time as one of these birds snatched a couple of wargs & tossed them in the fire. Those wargs were hovering close to me? Gandalf, god bless him, he was able to call for help! The dwarfs were clearly flabbergasted at this & Azog was livid with rage. Who cares, right? The eagles continued their attack by tossing the enemy down the cliff or into the fire. I felt a blast of air coming near me, I stepped back a little just as one of the eagles came near us. Gently, it picked up Thorin's body in its talons, meanwhile I leaped on the eagle's back & we took off. Soon these eagles started to pick everyone else as well. Looking behind me, I almost laughed seeing the outraged look on Azog's face. Serves him right! The sunrise came up just as the eagles took us further away from danger. Since I no longer had my locket with me, I clasped my hand to my chest to pray, for Thorin to live. I could tell that Fili & Kili were behind us for I had clearly heard Fili shouting Thorin's name. My heart went out to him, I know that he was worried about his uncle. I was too upset to even admire the view below me, for my heart & mind was still on the unconscious dwarf. Soon we reached the Carrock mountains, the eagle on which I was riding on landed first. Quickly, slipping down its back just as it gently laid Thorin down on the ground with his orcrist. I rushed towards the dwarf, kneeling beside him. Gently I turned him on his back, his face had turned pale due to his wounds yet his blood had dried up.
Anya:(Leaning close to him)"Thorin, can you hear me? Wake up! Please, open your eyes."
At this moment I really miss his blue eyes as I helplessly gazed at his face. Gandalf rushed towards us as soon as he landed.

1745 words!

A Hobbit's Tale-An Unexpected Friendship.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن