19| Isolated

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Louis POV

3 years is a long time to be depressed. But when the love of your life leaves you for good nothing can recreate that hole they snatched from your heart. Yes it's been 3 years since Harry and i's relationship. I missed him so damn much. Though I knew what he was doing most of the time since he was so damn famous now. He looked healthy, he looked good.

He pursued a career in modeling and singing. Something I admired about him was that he never changed. He was still an angel, but his taste had grown. His clothing style changed drastically. The long curly haired graphic tee wearing teenager was now replaced with a short haired funky button up shirt wearing man. He looked delicious in all of the shirts he wore. From the pink one with the white hearts, to the yellow one with red and blue leaves, to the green floral one and the black one with flamingos. He looked so sexy in the white and black striped one. Stripes have always secretly been my weakness. I hadn't changed as drastically as he did though. The only thing different was I actually knew how to style my hair now and I had a bit of scruff on my face.

I worked in a small cafe in downtown London. I worked with my new friend Kristen and our other friend Mariah, who was actually like 73 but she was a cute little lady. I got paid minimum wage, not too bad but not even a pinch of what Harry was making. I guess he became the person I always strived to be, handsome and confident. The entire world knew he was gay and everyone loved him nonetheless. I don't know how he did it, he stole the hearts of everyone even though he was gay. I made a friend back in college named Liam and when I finally told him I was gay he disowned me and told the whole senior year kids. He also made fun of me a lot and accused me of trying to get in his pants cause I waited so long to tell him..which wasn't true cause I had never gotten over Harry.

I guess that's what I was afraid of and that's why I never told anyone in high school. I guess that's probably why I chose losing Harry to not telling anyone.

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