2| Attention

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Harry's POV

I saw Louis Tomlinson in the halls today. He looked so good in his black jeans with rolled up cuffs, navy blue toms and hair up in messy waves off to the side. He was talking to Zayn, my friend and his best friend. I was so eager to talk to him so I ran up to Zayn and thought of a quick conversation starter.

"Hey Zayn!" I waved at him as they both travelled toward me.

"Hey Harry what's up?" He asked casually- that's all he ever was, was cool, calm, and collected with that bad boy look but sweet personality.

"Um-" shoot what was I gonna say now? "Hey did you do that science project Benson assigned us?" I said.

"Yeah, did it the day he assigned it." He said clicking his tongue in a yeah I am a good student what do you think of that kind of way.

"Well I was kind of struggling on it and I was wondering if I could come over after school and you could help me maybe?" I asked. I reeeally didn't want to go over I just wanted to see Louis up close, Louis-- who was currently shuffling his cute feet and looking around awkwardly.

"Well actually Haz, Louis and I are hanging out later.." he trailed off. Yesyesyesyesyes

"Oh well, Louis would you mind if I came over? I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything." I said. Louis' eyes widened as he realized he was brought into a conversation he didn't want to take part in. In silent reply he shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't really mind.

"Okay great! What time Zayn?" I turned to Zayn excitedly.

Zayn snorted and rolled his eyes in a joking manner. "3:30 is fine."

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