12| confused

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Louis felt like shit. He felt like shit cause he probably made Harry feel like shit. Why did he even go through with this stupid plan? This was so dumb. He is gay. He is gay. He is gay.

Why can't he just accept himself? There was nothing wrong with him. Zayn was right as much as Louis hated to admit it. Oh and not to mention his best friend hadn't been talking to him a month after he started the plan


Zayn's POV
"Why are you doing this to him!? You're ruining him Louis!" I yelled at him.

"I don't know!! Okay Zayn?" Louis yelled at me.

"You need to shut this dumbass plan of yours down before you really hurt someone's feelings!" I shouted.

"This is none of your damn business Zayn!" He screamed. I slammed my fist down onto the table causing it to shake.


"Get out." He said calmly, his heavy breathing said otherwise though.

"Don't tell me what to do." I seethed.

"I said get the fuck out!!" He yelled.

"You're a real fucking prick you know that!?" I said as I slammed the door, leaving my life long best friend.


Louis' POV

Yeah I know I fucked up, but I'm not one to admit it. I can't just crawl back to Harry after he made a new buddy. Maybe I was just a toy he could play with when he was bored.

What the hell are you talking about? Are you insane!? The only intimate thing he ever did to you was kiss your head and tell you he liked you..that's not necessarily making you an object of any sort. He was kind and patient and sweet and you ripped that away from yourself cause you were confused. My mind was screaming at me. Yeah I fucked up. I think maybe it's not too late to fix it..

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