1| Secrets

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Unknown pov

The first time I saw him, he was like an angel that appeared in my life. I knew he was into boys, I had heard it from his best friend that was also a mutual friend of mine who knew I was interested and that's why he even told me in the first place. The beautiful boy was locked up in the closet he created by fear of other people's opinions.

I knew how he felt though, for I was once stuck in that place. Even though I wasn't completely out- a few people here and there knew- I was proud of who I was and what I became. I was me and that's all I ever strived to be.

So when I learned he was still leading a life of fear, I felt the need to protect him and help him break through his barrier, but I never thought that helping someone break through their own barrier can bring you down the same hole they were stuck in, and I never thought that there was possibly no way out. But in that moment staring at the beautiful boy, it didn't matter. Nothing did.

A/N THIS IS JUST LIKE A PROLOGUE SO SORRY IT IS SHORT BUT AFTER ALL THIS IS A SHORT STORY AND I AM SO GLAD TO BE SHARING MY THOUGHTS ON IT WITH YOU. Also, there will be no drug/ abuse but there will be a little bit of depression but not major depression- no self harm. Hope you enjoy my first short story I'm so glad to be starting

if you aren't a huge Larry fan and this bothers you, please find another book to read :)

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