10| Timeless

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Harry's POV

2 months. That's how long it's been since I've spoken to Louis. Since our last encounter. I got to say it hurt..a lot, but my eyes are clearer now and I see where I belong. Friendless, again, and just going through my days almost robotically. As if I never met Louis.

I heard stories of him and Eleanor floating around school. I saw them walking through the halls together and laughing, Louis looking happy as ever. As if I never even existed and it was all just a crazy fantasy in my head. No one has gotten closer to Louis Tomlinson like I have..so how did she manage to fill in for me?

They broke up twice.. and got back together. And each time I heard the news on it through other students there was always a small twinge of hope that Louis would maybe come back to me.. but he never did. So, I put my all in my school work and went through my days as though they were timeless.

A/N The Harry era in which this takes place is 2013-14 Harry when he would wear bandanas, just before his hair got too long.

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