twenty two

38 1 17

"How passed out drunk was I to not witness the first ever stinlly kiss? This is a tragedy! I couldn't even take a picture to commemorate this moment forever!" Lou moans, banging her head repeatedly against the hard surface of our lunch table. I wince, looking at Gracson helplessly.

"Please get your girlfriend. She's going to injure herself." Gracson's pretty blue eyes roll to the back of his head as he stares at Lou distastefully. Well then.

"I'm just going to let her do whatever she wants. I don't have the time or patience to deal with this." His hand mockingly gestures over her figure. I frown at him as he continues to ignore everyone once again and glues his attention to his cell-phone. I guess things haven't gotten much better between the two of them. I wish they'd just talk it out already or break up. As much as I'd hate seeing them split up, if they're both sad and miserable together it may just be for the best.

"It's okay Lou honey. They're together now, you should be happy!" Amiyah pipes in, smiling cheerfully. Lou only lifts her head to shoot a nasty glare Amiyah's way, her eyes narrowing into slits.

"Happy? How can I be happy when Lilly's ex was there and Shane beat the shit out of him? I missed a kiss and a fight! And you two kept your relationship from me!" Lou accuses, sitting up to point a finger our way. I'm taken aback by the sudden turn of events.

"No, we didn't. We just spent the past week together, no stress, no outside people in our relationship. You left the state to visit your family, remember?" I say calmly as Lou finally sits upright.

"You have a cell-phone." She scowls. Justin chooses this moment to unnecessarily tune in.

"Hey, don't feel bad. By the time I found Lilly at the party, Shane had beat me to the punch; quite literally with Bryce. I wish I was the one to teach that jackass a lesson."

"Violence isn't the answer." I pipe in, rolling my eyes.

"It is when your ex-boyfriend's name rhymes with lice."

"That's extremely petty of you!" I exclaim, slapping Justin's chest as he laughs at me.

"Oh, and by the way, I never got to say thank you, Shane. Despite everything I really appreciate what you did for me on New Years." His dark eyes flicker to me and a small, almost unnoticeable smile crosses his lips.

"Don't worry about it. It was insulting to me that he thought I'd ever date you anyways. Besides, only I get to mess with you."

"And Shane Rikers is back ladies and gentlemen!" Everyone around the table laughs and I grin as I continue eating my lunch. I'm excited for school to let out since Alex promised me that we were going out together. I can't remember the last time he and I hung out somewhere just the two of us. Even when we were younger Grant was always there wherever we went. Alex is constantly pestering me about it and his excitement was contagious. Justin also had baseball practice after school, so I'd have something productive to do besides missing him.

"What's on your mind baby girl?" Justin mumbles in his deep, baritone voice as he presses a kiss to the top of my head. I can physically feel myself melt in his arms at his term of endearment. Nothing had ever sounded so good.

"Just thinking about going bowling with Alex tonight. I'm pretty excited. I miss doing things with him."

"It's just going to be the two of you?" Justin asks casually, but I can catch the underlying question.

"Don't worry, Grant isn't going to be there," I say, rolling my eyes at his jealous behavior. Justin huffs.

"You might not see it, but dammit the guy has a thing for you. And you used to have a crush on him, which doesn't make me feel any better." I smooth the crease between his eyebrows and I lean up to kiss his frown away.

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