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"All we do is drive

All we do is think about the feelings that we hide

All we do is sit in silence waiting for a sign." -Halsey, Drive

"This is delicious," I praise, smiling at Suzanne

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"This is delicious," I praise, smiling at Suzanne. She had cooked a four cheese, homemade lasagne dinner with mouthwatering, crisp garlic bread that crunched after every bite. There was also a fresh Caesar salad with eggs, croutons, carrots, cheese, cranberries, and dressing. I was practically inhaling my plate because lasagne had always been my favorite food and this tasted amazing.

"Thank you, Lilly! This was my grandmother's recipe."

"She must've been a genius," I mumbled between bites and Justin bursts into laughter.

"Wha?" I ask, quickly grabbing a napkin to cover my mouth. I was never this expressive, or frankly, messy when eating, but lasagne changes everything. I like to call it the Lasagne Affect. When the thick pasta and sauce encounter my taste-buds and the gooey melted cheese stretches from my fork I lose all plausible thoughts and I begin inhaling my food.

"You! You're acting like you've never eaten a day in your life," He laughs and I pout before taking another bite of my food.

"It's so good though! I love lasagne more than I love myself," I say, pointing my fork at him.

"Well there's plenty sweetheart if you want another plate," Suzanne is practically glowing at my praise and I remind myself to ask her for the recipe before I leave.

"You did a nice job son, finding a girl who likes to eat. That's especially important in this family when your mother cooks enough for an entire army," He jokes good-naturedly, causing me to blush. Everyone laughs along with him and Justin's sister, Charlotte, leans over and whispers in my ear.

"Justin hasn't stopped staring at you. I'd find it creepy if it wasn't so pathetically adorable." She giggles and I sneaked a glance at Justin to find him already looking at me. I blush harder.

"There's not much to look at," I say feebly, munching on my salad in absolute bliss. It was amazing how his mom made all of my favorite foods for dinner.

"Oh!" I exclaim, setting my fork down as something dawned on me.

"Justin, after you helped me study and I miraculously got a B, I've decided I need your help again. With precalc," I say, basically pleading for him to say yes. I almost technically needed help in all subjects, but I'm at a point where I'm passing the majority of my classes. Except for Precalculus. Math is and always has been the enemy.

"Is this you asking me to help you in precalc?" He asks, chuckling slightly. I groan in annoyance.

"Yes! Because honestly the day I begin to understand and enjoy math will be the day I don't love lasagne. So, basically never. So please help me!" I beg and Justin along with everyone else at the table begin laughing and I join in nervously.

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