
46 1 26

"She's falling but she doesn't think he'll catch her, cause her last relationship was a disaster.

He redefines in every way what love is. She fell for him and hasn't gotten' up since," -Russ, Losin Control

pic is of Lilly

Justin and I acquired many stares as we walked hand in hand down the hall

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Justin and I acquired many stares as we walked hand in hand down the hall. People openly gazed at us with speculation and clear shock, whispering amongst themselves, but I didn't care at all. I felt like I was floating around, very liable to meander off, but Justin's steady grip anchors me. I wouldn't trade this moment with him for the world.

Unsurprisingly, the girls were waiting for me at my locker, most likely gossiping about the same old drama that goes on around here. Once someone's dirty laundry is loitering around it becomes the main topic of conversation in these halls. Entertainment comes in all forms I guess.

"What are you two doing?" Lou asks dubiously, as she, along with Jasmine and Amiyah, stare at Justin and I as if we've contracted the plague and are hell bent on spreading it.

"Going to my locker so I can get my textbook for my next class?" I raise an eyebrow at her as I take my hand gently from Justin's, walking in front of my locker. They part for me as if I'm Moses and I begin unlocking my locker, biting my lip to refrain from smiling at their astounded expressions.

"I assembled all three of us to confront you since you disappeared on everyone for lunch and to push you into his arms," Lou points accusingly at Justin, "but then you both waltz up here holding hands and I just-" She pauses momentarily before her blue eyes widen again as a grin so large and wicked curls onto her lips.

"YOU BITCH!" She shouts, punching my shoulder, still smiling like a ginger maniac.

"What the hell Lou?" I curse, staring at her incredulously as I rub the sore spot given to me by the surprisingly strong girl who dresses lavishly and perfects her makeup down to the last brush stroke.

She's absolutely bonkers.

"Are you okay?" Justin asks, worry coating his expression as he takes my thick textbook to hold it as he rubs my shoulder, causing shivers to run down my spine.

Everything about him is too good; his looks, his mind, his touch, his lips...

"Awh!" All three girls gush and I blush furiously.

"My ship has sailed," Lou dramatically grabs her heart while fanning herself.

"Please stop!" I groan. "It's seriously no big deal. We talked, I'm getting my stuff, and now he's going to walk me to class," I slam my locker shut.

"And here I thought you'd avoid him like your life depended on it," Jasmine teases.

"So are you guys together or..?" Amiyah finally asks the question they were all probably dying to know. Lou actually leans forward in anticipation and I can't help but laugh at her serious expression. She looked as if they answer would determine the fate of her first born child.

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