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"I've got troubled thoughts and the self-esteem to match. What a catch," -Fall Out Boy, What A Catch, Donnie

pic: Zendaya Coleman cast as Amiyah Haillefield

I squint my eyes at Shane as he sat slumped over on his desk, his fingers tapping repeatedly on the solid wooden surface. He was dressed in all black, his dark hair slicked back and his face expressionless. We were currently in Economics with free work time we were advised to take advantage of. Of course, no one really abided to the teacher's advice and were mostly talking amongst themselves and on their phones. I decided to sit beside Shane today, but he's been ignoring me and even though it's better than his glares and snarky comments, his silence seemed more unnerving than usual.

"Shane?" I say, my words coming out in a questioning manner. He jumps so quickly and violently that it shocks me. He immediately fixes his cold, burning eyes on me and sets his mouth in a dissatisfied grimace.

"What the hell do you want?" He growls, shoving his fingers through his hair roughly. He slams his elbows on the desk, his combat boots tapping fast on the linoleum floor. I take a deep, calming breath while trying to restrain the need deep inside me to scream and knock some sense into this kid. What was his problem? Why does he act like this around me? I get that I'm new to their group and he might feel like I barged my way into their lives or something stupid like that, but it's been weeks and he's still being a dick! I've always known that he's rude, closed off person, but never have I seen him act so angry towards anyone but myself.

And I'm sick of it.

"I was just trying to start a conversation with you. Honestly what the hell is your problem? Did I do something to you that I'm unaware about?" I ask frustratedly, tired of this constant back and forth thing with him. Can't he just be mature and tell me what his problem was with me?

"God I don't feel like doing this today with you. Just fucking leave me alone, okay?" He says in a gruff tone. But my patience is running thin.

"Seriously, just tell me why you hate me so much! It's not even that you have to like me, but hell, not knowing is exhausting!"

"Fuck this! No, fuck you! You really want to know? Want to know how just seeing your face makes me sick. How having to be around you daily is screwing with my mind so much because you look exactly like her and I hate you for it!" He didn't scream it or yell. His voice wasn't even loud enough to be heard by anyone but us, there was barely a slim chance that those in our close vicinity even heard him. If so they had to of been straining their ears.

He had gotten into my face quick, his nose slightly bumped mine, his breathing harsh. His hazel eyes had darkened with unrelenting anger, but I knew it was much deeper than that. He looked upset and filled with so much anguish and sadness.

Shane was always this unapproachable badass who no one ever dared to bother or even give a crap to try and know. But despite his attempt to scare me and make me upset, he only gave me a glimpse of who he is under this exterior. A human being who is just as vulnerable and susceptible to hurt like the rest of us.

Before I'm even given a chance to utter a word, Shane's chair is screeching loudly as he stands up, kicking it behind him violently. We now had the attention of the whole class as he stormed forward, causing our classmates to scramble and jump out of his way. I flinch violently when the door bangs loudly behind him, the sound ricocheting off the walls.

The silence Shane's exit caused is soon replaced by quiet chatter and questions bubbling from everyone's lips. I just sigh loudly. Shane may use anger and violent tendencies to forget whatever it is plaguing him, but we can only run from our problems for so long.

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