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"Don't believe me just watch," Uptown Funk, Mark Ronson ft Bruno Mars

Pic is Steven R. Mcqueen being played as Justin Grey.

"Can't he just pretend to not hate me so much? I swear he glares at me every five seconds," I mutter, glaring back at Shane as we all continue walking into the movie theater. Justin had them all gang up on me to agree to hang with them tonight. It was a Friday night and I usually spent it alone in my room binge watching whatever obsession I'm focused on during a particular week. But instead, I agreed to go to the movies and chill with them instead.

I sat with them during lunch for the rest of this week because according to Justin the day I met them was a "success" since Shane didn't mutilate me and Lou apparently doesn't hate me. I asked him how he could possibly know this and he told me that when she met his ex Amy, she and I quote called her "A fake backstabbing bitch," to her face. They've always hated each other. And Justin swears that if Lou didn't like me she would have told me the day we met officially. She's honest with her feelings and I admire that.

It made me uneasy talking about Justin's ex, Amy Winters. She and I haven't talked in years but we had mutual friends awhile back. Lou doesn't dislike people for no reason though, and that's not to mention all the drama Amy had caused during her and Justin's relationship. If you so much as looked at him in what she saw as a more than friendly way, her friends would corner you faster than you could blink. I honestly just think she was highly insecure about their relationship because Justin is so sweet, popular, and attractive and she probably felt intimidated by that and felt like if she didn't hold on tightly to him, she'd lose him. But sometimes gripping on too tight is more harmful than just letting go. Because sometimes people will leave you either way.

"Okay! I have our tickets so let's grab some snacks real quick so we can get good seats by each other!" Amiyah exclaims before quickly dashing towards the station where they sell overpriced food. We all laugh at her excitement. She was the one who begged me the most to come. She claimed that tonight wouldn't be the same without me, even though they've all been close for years and I'm just, well me. An outsider.

"Come on Lilly. We don't want you to get left behind," Justin flashes me his crooked smile before tugging me along with them to the counter. Everyone around me orders candy and popcorn, but I just stick with a pretzel and cheese. I love pretzels from the movie theater.

"I'm impressed," Justin comments, "I expected you to jump at the opportunity to order candy or other junk food." I roll my eyes. He just loves to get under my skin.

"I eat other things too you know. Keep it in mind that you only see me eat one meal a day."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"You are so fucking annoying most of the time I don't even know why I'm friends with you!" I exclaim, laughing loudly when Justin's eyes widen and he looks very offended.

"Dude you just got friend zoned!" Gracson laughs, causing me to blush. God, I didn't think of it that way. But we were just friends, right? This is making me think too much.

"See Justin I told you your dick-" Shane begins, but I cut him off abruptly.

"Shane I swear to god if you finish that sentence I don't care how scary you are I will castrate you!" I growl surprising myself and everyone else. Every since mine and Shane's lovely first meeting, I mostly kept away from him. I didn't want to give him a reason to go off. But after a week of unnecessary glares and snide comments I was fed up.

"Damn Shane you better watch out before Lilly gives you a run for your money," Lou laughs, swinging her arm around me.

"Come on Lilly. Fuck the guys. I want to sit beside my girls." Me, Lou, Amiyah, and Jasmine all sat by each other in one row and made the boys sit a row below us. Gracson complained for five minutes how he and Lou wouldn't be able to have "fun" in the dark theater. Let's just say we all threw popcorn at the top of his head. The boys thought it would be funny to see a horror movie. Amiyah and Jasmine screamed the whole time, Lou laughed like a maniac, and I was just content. Horror movies don't scare me. I swear I saw Shane jump in his seat a few times though, and that was my main entertainment.

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