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"And there's a storm you're starting now," -Hurricane, Halsey

Pic is of Bill Skarsgård casted as Shane Rikers

I sigh, causing a piece of hair that was in my face to fly out suddenly before settling against my forehead once more. I tap my pencil against my paper rhythmically, hearing a constant beat in my head. My essay for English was only halfway done and I was completely stuck on what to write next. I had mastered being able to focus in this loud cafeteria each day so I've gotten a good chunk of it finished. But I suck at supporting statements and good conclusions. I can start out a story or paper easily, but endings are so hard to write and accept.

"Why do you write every day you nerd? Is that a diary? You're probably writing about how hot you think Justin is," Gracson says, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. I roll my eyes at his idiocy, getting ready to kindly correct him before his girlfriend spoke up.

"I know what it is! She's probably writing smut! Preferably about her and Justin. But if not I highly suggest Jensen Ackles because have you seen the ass on that man!" Lou squeals and I grab a few french fries from Jasmine's plate and chuck them at her. Thank god I convinced Justin to wait in line without me today. This conversation is horribly embarrassing.

"Hey man! Lilly is writing a steamy sex scene about you!" Gracson shouts, grabbing not only Justin's attention as he came barreling towards us all but also the attention of anyone within a five-mile radius.

"So that's why you won't let me read your journal. It's filled with your sick fantasies," Justin smirks, and if I wasn't so annoyed I'd analyze his lips because goddamn they're so perfect.

"Listen here you hormonal fucks. Its an essay for English. No sex whatsoever. I mean honestly, is your guy's sex life so lacking you have to live vicariously through my nonexistent one?" I ask in exasperation.

"I'll have you know that Lou and I keep very busy and it is more than satisfying-" Amiyah cuts Gracson off.

"Gracson we don't want to hear about your dick in any relevance towards Lou! Now leave Lilly alone, jeez I don't see how she hasn't attacked you already!" Gracson immediately closes his mouth. Amiyah can be pretty terrifying when she wants to. She turns to me.

"Hey, you need any help with your essay? I know how Mr. Dylan has been on your ass lately about assignments."

"Yes, I need help!" I groan. "Ever since I read that stupid poem to him that one day he thinks I have "potential" and won't leave me alone."

"What poem?" Justin asks with curiosity peaking in his green eyes.

"Its nothing really. Just an assignment I did for English," I reply, brushing his curiosity off.

"It wasn't nothing," Amiyah interjects, "her poem had an actual meaning to it. Everyone else just wrote shit poems about the sun or other dumb things. Myself included," I blush as Amiyah praises me. That poem was honestly nothing. I've written so many way better than that one.

"Can I read it?" Justin asks. I feel a bit reluctant. I know I read it to a whole classroom full of people, but their opinions about it or me didn't matter. I cared a great deal of about what Justin thought of me. And that thought was terrifying in itself.

"Okay," I say quietly, flipping to the page it rests on before sliding my notebook over to Justin. I watch as his hands firmly grip the edges of the notebook, his eyes flickering quickly over the page. I find myself staring at his hands, remembering the way they took a hold of my wrists. The way he pinned me. His eyes had been burning brightly with something that day. But what? Admiration? Interest? Lu-

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