26 | Finally Some Help

Start from the beginning

Like how to use a grenade. When was I going to use a grenade?


I looked up from the book to see Lavender standing in the doorway of the elevator with Sammy in her arms, his round face filled with curiosity as his eyes scanned all the books and papers I had piled around the room. "Have you been in here the past few days?" Lavender asked while setting Sammy down. Her voice was filled with concern and awe as her brown eyes swept over the cluttered room.

"Um, yes?" I answered while marking the place in the book before setting it down. "Did I, uh, miss anything important? Or . . ." I trailed off as my gaze slowly moved over to Sammy who was reading a paper about how to use flowers to make edible food for a month. Where did that paper come from?

"No, you didn't miss anything important. I just came by to see if you were okay." She pursed her lips as she looked around the suite again. "You been busy?" I nodded slowly and flicked the corner of a random piece of paper across the coffee table. "Any luck?" Lavender pressed. I shook my skull as that familiar weight of dread and hopelessness settled into my chest.

Noticing my discomfort and probably wish of wanting to be alone again, Lavender called Sammy over to her and ushered him into the elevator. "Dinner is in two hours," she said while pressing a button inside the elevator. "We'd all feel happier if you'd come." I looked up at the elevator just as the doors closed, leaving me alone back in the room of misery and boring books.

I sat there on the couch for a few minutes before running a hand down my face and looking through the hole in my palm. Maybe I should take a break, I thought as I looked outside the huge floor-to-ceiling windows where the whole forest cavern was covered in darkness with little patches of moonlight here and there.

But thoughts of Y/N and Frisk being tortured inside the Monster Capital sent a jolt through my body that seemed to work better than ten cups of coffee. I shot up and grabbed the book and a bunch of other papers before rushing into the bedroom to lay them on the bed to organize. Without thinking, I lit another cigarette and stuck it between my teeth as I sorted through the dates of the papers to try and organize them.

The book by Jensen Time dated back to somewhere in the late 1960s where humans were just starting to get the hand of their weapons and power. Lots of bad things had happened during that time which made me disgust the human race even more. Why would anyone want to blow up a world that they're living on? It just makes no sense at all.

I let out a puff of smoke as I turned over a piece of paper to read the date, and let my eye sockets momentarily close for a small break. But when I opened them again, I was laying on the bed with a wasted cigarette laying in front of me and morning light streaming through the holes in the cavern and into my suite. I groaned and sat up, running a hand down my face as I glared at the books and papers piled around the bedroom.

Juuust perfect.

[ Y/N ]

"So, what's your name?"

The flame monster from across my cell turned towards me and raised a flaming eyebrow. "Why do you ask?" His voice sounded soft and powerful with little cracks in it that made me think of a small little campfire that could also turn into a roaring forest fire at any moment. "Well, I have to know the name of the artist who made that amazing work of art."

I pointed into his cell and over to a wall with hundreds of burnt handprints on it, the saturation of colors on the stone forming into the image of a large tree that had no leaves. The monster looked over at the wall and stared at it for a few seconds before turning back to me. "Grillby." I looked over at the monster and blinked. "What?" "My name's Grillby. And you are?"

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