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Seolna's POV
I reached the middle area of the school. The place where mainly everyone hangs out. People started walking towards me and I realised that I needed to say something.
"Guys!" I shouted to get there attention.
"You won't believe it but this is true. Jimin is friends with (Your name) and Yoongi!" I continued.
Some people were really happy about that and some were disgusted. That's so unusual. Why would they be happy that Jimin is friends with the people he used to hate?!
The ones that didn't like what was going on, all came towards me.
"I have to see this with my own eyes!" One of them said.
"Then we can plan what to do next." Another one replied.
"Well guys, we all know that this is something really shocking. Although first of all, I am really confused on why there is a crowd that is happy for Jimin being friends with (Your name) and Yoongi." I said.
"Why don't we go ask them?" Someone suggested.
I nodded as a response and we all walked towards them.
"We need to ask you something." I said, as they turned around.
"Why are you happy that Jimin is friends with (Your name) and Yoongi?" I continued.
The crowd separated into two lines which were apart from each other. Suddenly, Yoonah walked through the line and stood just a few steps away from me.
"Hello there. Mind if I give the answer?" Yoonah asked.
"Yoonah!" I shouted, as I looked at her in shock.
"No need to ask me any questions ok? I know your probably shocked that I haven't been with you and I know your extremely shocked that I'm not on your side. Well I ain't stupid like you. You and your fans probably love Jimin a lot but the disgusting thing is that you love him in a way that you want him to be all yours. I mean, he is popular but you guys immediately get jealous if someone is with him and that's why you flirt with him yourself. However, the reason I'm on this side is because I don't like Jimin the way you do because obviously there is so many people that want him and of course not everyone can him! Also he's got his friend Yoongi back and so what if he's became friends with (Your name). People change over time. Don't you know?" Yoonah lectured.
I clenched my fists and looked at her angrily.
"I can't believe you, Yoonah!" I shouted.
"Well you better believe in what I said someday. Besides I don't even need you anymore. I'm more than happy to be friends with (Your name) again." Yoonah replied.
I was about to punch Yoonah but everyone else was looking in the other direction and looked really surprised. I turned around and saw that it was (Your name), Jimin and Yoongi! The thing that amazed me the most was that (Your name) and Jimin were holding hands.
What the hell is happening?!
Did shit just get real?!

Yoonah's POV
Are Jimin and (Your name) together?!
I immediately ran towards them and gave (Your name) the biggest smile. The rest that were with me were cheering and running around the place.
"Hello (Your name)." I said, giving her a big smile.
"Hi Yoonah." She replied.
I couldn't help but go up to her and hug her.
"(Your name), I'm so happy for you right now. I can literally tell by the looks of it. You don't even know how I just faced Seolna right now! Also I can't believe I chose her over you. All she cared about was Jimin. However now I'm never going back to her and one last thing. Will you forgive me?" I said and broke the hug, to wait for her answer.
"Oh Yoonah! I surely do forgive you. I hope you forgive me too. I'm really happy to have you back. I'm also glad you realised what you had done." (Your name) replied, crying with joy.
"Yes! We are a perfect squad! Why don't we go shout this out?!" Yoongi suggested with joy.
The rest of us screamed yeah and we ran around the playground shouting about (Your name) and Jimin getting together and how we are all friends.
Seolna and a few of her people stood there looking at us disgusted and giving death glares.
Too bad! This is all real!

Jimin's POV
I'm so happy to have these people now! They have completed me. I can't wait to have memories with them! They will definitely be better ones!

So much happiness in this chapter!☺️This was going to be the last chapter but I have decided to do an additional one. Though I hope you have enjoyed this one.✌🏻

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