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Yoongi's POV
I bet Jimin is enjoying himself. I think (Your name) is too.
Although I have a bad feeling that they are going to do something.
Jimin could even confess!
I jumped out of bed and looked at the time.
It's break right now at school!
I fixed my hair and uniform and immediately rushed out the door with my bag.

I stopped mid-way to catch my breath.
What if I have another fight with Jimin? (Your name) won't like it.

A few minutes later I arrived and stood outside the school gates. Maybe it will be a good idea to skip lessons but stalk the two.
I've done it before so it's easy.
Jimin, I am willing to see how you get on today!

Your POV
I walked to the basketball court since I was bored and had nothing to do for break.
I took the ball from the ground and randomly started throwing it in the air and catching it.
"Are you bored, little girl?" Jimin asked.
Did he really need to follow me?
I dropped the ball immediately and it rolled all the way to Jimin.
"I take that as a yes." He simply said.
The last time we played, he cheated and started showing off to his fans that he's the best.
I walked towards him and looked at him seriously.
"Jimin, this time there is no lying and this game is going to be one real game." I said whilst grabbing his collar, and then walking away into my position.
He nodded as a response and did the same.

Jimin's POV
Damn, (Your name) you make my heart beat so fast.
I'd love it if you did that to me every night.

Jimin, so dirty.😂

Me and (Your name) we're facing each other in the middle of the court. I threw the ball in the air and (Your name) immediately caught it. She started dribbling it around and all I could do is watch her.
"Yo Jimin, have you given up already?" She asked whilst laughing.
I immediately came back to my senses and chased after her.
Since I couldn't grab the ball easily I went towards the hoop.
She ran the same direction with the ball and threw it in the air.
I jumped up and caught it.
"Look who's still champion!" I yelled, showing off my muscles.
"Well it's a good thing you didn't cheat like last time." She replied as she rolled her eyes.
"Shh!" I hissed as I leaned closer to her.
"Bro, watch it." She replied and covered her face with the ball.
"I have a new name for you. Mrs BallHead!" I said whilst laughing.
"Mate, I'm not married." She replied.
"Yes you are. Your married to me of course!" I smirked.
She shook her head, whilst giving me the death glare and ran away from my sight.

I know it was a basketball game again but I hope you enjoyed it😂

Maybe I'm obsessed with basketball a bit too much😳😂

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