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Your POV
I sat in bed watching the clock turn every now and then. It was only half past 5 and I had quite a lot of time left. There was nothing to do and if I invited Yoongi over, he might end up staying.
I dozed off to sleep as I felt tired watching the clock.

Yoongi's POV
Today's weather was really good. I might go to the park later just for a walk. Maybe (Your name) might want to come.
I reached for my phone which was on the table and started searching for (Your name)'s number.
I just remembered that we haven't exchanged numbers yet and just became friends.
Oh well, I'll just go by myself.

Your POV
"Omg!" I stood straight up from bed and gasped for air.
That was one weird dream!
I looked at the time and it was already 6:45 and I only had 15 minutes left.
I opened up my wardrobe and picked a white t-shirt, black jeans and some converse. I got changed and combed my hair as it was messy and put my jacket on.
After that, I quickly headed out and ran to the park.

Jimin's POV
I arrived at the park and saw that (Your name) was sat on the bench, breathing heavily.
She must have ran, by the looks of it.
"(Your name)!" I called.
She looked at me and moved herself to make space for me to sit.
Wow (Your name), you look incredible!
"So what did you want to tell me?" (Your name) asked.
"How are you feeling?" I asked.
She stood up after what I just said and stood right in front of me.
"Is that a question to ask?! You obviously know how I am since you see me all the time!" (Your name) shouted.
She turned around, her back faced at me and the wind blowing her hair continuously.
I stood up from where I was and I back-hugged her without hesitation.
"Jimin, what are you doing?" She whispered and looked above to see my face.
"(Your name), I want to tell you how I feel. I feel really jealous that your with Yoongi and..."
"You shouldn't be, you have Seolna, she obviously loves you and I'm guessing you love her back." (Your name) interrupted and looked down.
"What makes you say that?" I asked in a shocking tone.
"Well Yoonah showed me a video of you and Seolna making out so you must have done that for that reason." She replied.
No way!
"Well yes I did kiss her but I just felt like it for no reason. Also after that it made me think of you! How it would feel to kiss you!" I blurted out.
She immediately turned around but didn't bother to move my arms out even though they were around her.
"So you still have feelings for me? When you made your fans attack me, I couldn't believe it! I started to trust you but obviously it was a good thing I didn't trust you fully! I don't know Jimin. For some reason I'm not even letting go from your grasp right now. Also Yoongi, he's become my friend. He's protecting me and being really nice to me. I remember when I said to him that he was doing the wrong thing by leaving you. Also I've lost Yoonah but my mind is telling me that she will leave Seolna and come back. In conclusion, all I can say my life is really confusing!" (Your name) said as she looked down at her feet.
Tears fell from my cheeks unexpectedly and (Your name) looked up.
"I better leave." (Your name) whispered.
"No." I whispered back and pulled her closer towards me.
The wind blowed even more which made (Your name) close her eyes and I felt the urge to do something.
I leaned my face closer to hers and kissed her lips passionately.
I broke the kiss and she looked at me shockingly.
"I'm sorry." I said and walked away from her.
I couldn't help but flash a smile. Also I waved her goodbye and looked down as I walked away from her.
I hope we can start again some day.

Hope you've enjoyed this chapter

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