55.0 - me & my girls [pt2]

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Jourdan subjected herself to Kristen and Kendall's ridiculous styling. Cara stood near by with a camera, recording everything as if to not lose memory of anything that happened that night.

"What if we do something?" Lizzy said suddenly, directing her attention to me.

"Like what?" Emma questioned. "According to Stef, we're not supposed to leave the house. You remember what happened last time you had one of your bright ideas..."

"Yes, I know," Lizzy retorted, thinking back to Emma's bachelorette party.

Kristen nodded, accidentally pulling a bobby pin out of Jourdan's hair a little bit too roughly. The girl smacked her hand away. "Sorry," she said meekly, "Emma's right. Last time one of us ended up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning."

Cara giggled nervously.

"And Ana's too drunk to go out. The cold air will hit her and hasta la vista."

Kendall smiled at me and I sort of smiled back. I think. I dont know how or why I had gotten this intoxicated, but either way, I couldn't respond in fear that I would sound as drunk as I felt. My tongue felt numb in my mouth and I felt ditzy, if I stood up I'd probably end up kissing the floor.

"Come on guys, what are we? 16? I'm sure Ana is fine," I nodded at Lizzy's comment, "and we'll all be around to take care of her."

"I drank too much," Kendall confessed and everyone looked at her, except me.

I was too busy admiring the decor on the soft throw blanket. Something about it was just so intricate. How do they even make these? Do they make them by hand? Are they made in a factory? Who is responsible for such a luxury? Tomorrow, after the wedding, I will order one on amazon. I will add different fleece blankets to my wishlist in every color, and buy one every year as a gift to myself. These are great Christmas gifts, too. Maybe I could just buy them in bulk and give them away for every birthday and every other gift giving holiday. It sure beats giving people gift cards. Wow. Maybe Zayn would like one of these too. I know he'd love one of these to keep in his office, I could find a decorative blanket for his leather chair...

"Hey, alcohol girl. Where'd you go?" Emma waved her hand in my face and smiled knowingly at me.

"Uhm, just thinking."

Cara and Kristen exchanged glances. "Do you wanna go out, Ana? Wanna do karaoke?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I do. I wanna sing. Can we?"

Lizzy and Kendall had already gotten up and were looking through a trunk of things Stefani had left here. Dressup things, Cara said. Shoes and stuff, I guess. I dont know. I wanted to stay here and wrap myself in the blanket, but I also wanted to sing a duet with Cara. I was craving a big plate of french fries.

"Okay, pick something out. And let's hurry it up. I know a great karaoke bar that's fifteen awaaaaay," Kendall set the dress she had chosen on the bed and I had to stop myself from feeling the material.

Sure, it wasn't fleece. But satin was still nice and I had to admire her great taste.

Lizzy took off her pajama pants and top right in front of us and immediately changed into a red dress, not caring that the rest of us hadn't moved from our spots. "Well? Let's go ladies. Time is of the essence."

Kristen and Cara disappeared into the walk in closet and only Emma, Jourdan, and I were left to get ready.

Emma was looking through the big trunk when Jourdan pulled me closer to her. "Do you need some help?"

I sighed. "Yes, I fink so. I haven't gotten all dressed up in a long time."

Well, this wasnt exactly dressing up. The clothes were somewhat simple and not extravagant, they just looked expensive. The worst thing that could happen is that I vomit and get all fucked up in one of the items of clothing, and that I'm much too embarrassed to show up at the wedding, and I can never show my face ever again in the history of...

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