pep raily

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Hi sorry i havent updated in a while ive been realy buisy at home and school. I hope you like  it

Its been a few days and niw its friday. The day was normal intell we reached last period thats when we had a pep raily for the basketball game tonight. I had to go for a grade. Todays pep raliy was amazing but my hole thing was when th band was playing 'Hey Baby' Mike pointed at me and winked. I mean i like that but im glad no one noticed. Or at least i dont think any one did. After school i sayed intell the game with Dilly. We were laghing and having fun in the choir room. When it was tim to go i got my insterment and went to the gym with Dilly. Before the game started Dilly and a few others got up and sang the Natinal Anthome. Omg they were amazing! "Hey" i heared a deep voice say. I turned to see who it was and i see Mike standing there. "Hi whats up." "Nothing I just miss you." "I miss you too babe." He smiled and he played the trumpet the whole time. We had fun but a while before the 2nd game ended Mike had to leave so he pulled me out for a little whild and we went into a teachers bathroom. He pushed me against the wall and kissed me. He then closed the toilet seat and sat down on it and pulled me over to him. I sat on his lap and planted one on his lips. We fought for domance and of cource he won and we did this for a while. Once he broke the kis he taped on my leg. "I got to go" "ok" i was still catching my breath. "I might stop by your house just so that you know." "Ok then i might see you later." "Ya i love you babe, and i always will." "I know and i love you to the moon and back times infinity and beone to the millonth power." We were both laughing at my coment but i did mean it. "You do know i wasent joking right?" I said in a serious tone. "Yes babe i know ill see you later ok. I love you" "Love you to." "Bye sweet heart" "Bye babe"
He left and at yhe end of the game i called my ant and she said "find your one way home" Dilly heared what she said and so she asked  her brothers to give me a ride home before they go out. They took me hime then Dilly. But the whole way to my house we were singing and making the car go up and down listining to mine and Dillys type of music. And now i see how they are related and i mean Dilly and her 3 older brothers lol. Her family is awsome. I love Dilly. She is the best friend ever.

I havent corected anything yet please vote and tell me what you think of it. And ps i might might not start another story. It might be called "Who to Pick" the main charecters name is Rose. Love you guys in tell next time. Bye!😚😁

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