Chapter Eight: Keeping Secrets (Part II)

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It was to be a quiet night. An array of stars hung over Dorafeir, silently watching over its vast terrain, and the capital's residents were preparing to call it a day.

Erin stood on the roof of Orion's Seat, her gaze fixated on the illuminated houses and establishments that lay ahead. The entire capital was lit up, with the many residents' lanterns, candles and homemade fires uniting to create a vivid orange glow against the darkness.

Once Erin was certain that Dorafeir was at peace, that the residents below were sleeping a blissful sleep, she made her way back inside.

Elric had been kind enough to let her and Casius stay the night. They would head back to Bayloch first thing tomorrow, although Erin had still made it a point to send Mak a letter - something to explain their short absence (however, she wasn't entirely sure how he would be able to open it, seeing as he possessed no limbs whatsoever).

'Ohh, I'm sure he'll be okay.' She passed through a narrow corridor and then down a twisting staircase. 'He's been on his own before.'

Erin continued down another hallway. A line of metal chandeliers dangled above, casting down fresh pools of light which bathed the entire hallway a gentle orange. The magus couldn't help feeling a tad guilty, especially when she imagined a distraught Mak worrying his stone head off, wondering where in great spirits she and Casius had wandered off to. She could just see him doing everything in his power to open the letter, only to...

Oh, god! she thought. What if he accidentally rolls off my desk and hits the floor? The dunce will shatter!

She dismissed the thought with a brief shake of her head. 'Ohh, Mak. ' she muttered. 'Curse you and your lack of mobility! Why didn't my great-great-grandmother give you arms, or hands, or, or...something! Anything to help you move on your own, dammit!'

Erin proceeded round the corner and down a wide corridor. One of the many knights of Orion's Seat strode past her, his plated armour rattling with every step.

'Lady Erin.' He tilted his head in a simple greeting - a gesture she quickly returned.

'Sir Knight.' The two passed, having exchanged polite words of acknowledgement, and continued along their way. Erin threw a glance over her shoulder and smiled. 'Hm.' She gave an approving nod. 'He called me Lady,' she muttered. 'Now that's how a man should act.'

It wasn't long before Erin started thinking about Mak again, and she sighed when she realised just how vulnerable he was. What if someone were to infiltrate the Library? How could he hope to defend himself, to protect the books which housed the secrets of the Maelstras family?

The magus' brows knitted together in a look of annoyance. 'Thank god it's just one night,' she said. 'I don't think I could take all this guilt for more than one bloody day. I wonder what he's up to now...'

* * *

Mak's grey eyes examined the worn parchment, taking in the series of words which had been neatly penned in a style that was all too familiar. His stone beard twitched in an attempt to smile as he concluded the letter Erin had been kind enough to send him.

...and so Professor Killian suggested I take Casius to Dorafeir in order to teach him more about our ways. He said something about learning through experience (not like that, you filthy-minded blockhead!)

Anyway, myself and Casius shall be remaining at Orion's Seat for tonight. Please do not concern yourself over our absence. I assure you that we are both safe and well.

Messenger From The SkyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin