Chapter Eighteen: Friends And Enemies

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But Erin did no such thing.

After seeing the rise of that magnificent beast - or, as Hirst dubbed it, "That huge piece of crap with wings!" - she had taken to watching the final stages of the battle with her own two eyes. The sky duel between Casius and Wyatt had been short yet spectacular, ending with the angel's rightful victory.

Now, she found herself running through the competitors' tunnel, barging and fighting her way past the guards who tried in vain to stop her.

'W-wait!' one of the men exclaimed. 'You cannot pass through until the battle is over! You're breaking our traditional rules!'

'Who cares?' she replied. 'Besides, the battle is over! Ortegas is done for!'

Erin continued along her way, desperately following the narrow route of the passageway. Light flooded in up ahead and the roars of the stadium crowds were growing louder. To hell with their traditions! She had to be there when Wyatt declared defeat.

The magus burst through the tunnel and out onto the arena, where she was met by mad cheers and a ceaseless scatter of applause. She slowed her pace, taking a moment to admire the vast number of people seated within the stadium itself. Amazing didn't even begin to describe what she was seeing.

But the crowds were quickly forgotten when she looked up and saw two figures descending from above. Casius fluttered down to earth carrying a white-faced Wyatt, whose limp body dangled uselessly below him. The second he touched down, he released the necromancer, who collapsed in a breathless heap at his feet.

'Casius!' Erin's heart leapt and she ran forward, her arms waving with every bounding step. 'Casius!'

The angel glanced up, alerted by her joyous cries, and smiled just as she threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his slightly dishevelled physique.

'You won! You won! I just knew you would!'

'Uh, well...'

Erin stepped back, examining the look of doubt plastered across his face. She never let him go. 'What? C'mon, it's obvious you won! You kicked his sorry little-'

'A victor isn't decided until one of them officially yields.' It was Wyatt who responded.

She looked down, wrinkling her nose at the very sight of him. He looked as though he had just been dragged through a bush backwards. 'Then yield already,' she said. 'You can't expect to defeat Casius now, can you? I saw what happened up there. He bested you!'

Wyatt struggled to his feet and brushed himself down. 'Yes, he did. Unfortunately, he cut through my staff, which is the only instrument that allows me to conjure up my magic. Without it, I cannot hope to do anything. For that, I have no choice but to surrender.' The corner of his lips twitched and he dropped to one knee.

'Victory,' he said, is yours.'

* * *

Word of Casius' victory quickly spread through The Faux and amongst its locals, whose attitudes seemed to change in an instant. They became much kinder, acknowledging them with words of kindness instead of silence and looks of distrust. Some of the female necromancers were also kind enough to supply Erin with a new shirt, allowing her to bin the one Hirst carelessly ripped.

The duel and its preparations took up most of the day, meaning Erin, Hirst and Casius had to spend the night at a local inn. Still, Erin thought it was better than sleeping in a stagecoach with a perverted dwarf who seemed intent on groping her in his sleep. They each gained a fully cooked meal, provided by a necromancer who was supposedly one of the best chefs in The Faux, and a room to themselves.

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