Chapter Twenty: The Cost of Devotion (Part II)

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Never before had Elric Maelstras known the chaos of war to erupt so quickly.

He had simply been recuperating from the intense duties and demands he was forced to meet as the official Champion of Serandore when one of his loyal knights burst through the doors, drenched in sweat, panting heavily.

'S-sir Elric!' Sheer terror clouded Captain Hyde's face and he pointed towards the window with a single, trembling finger. 'We're under attack!'

'What?' Elric's brows knitted together and he stood up, hurrying across the room to where the tall windows were situated. His face paled the second he peered out and caught sight of the carnage erupting outside.

The main courtyard of Orion's Seat had turned into a sick bloodbath. Elric watched as his own men fought to keep the enemy from storming the main palace. Weapons were but silver blurs and the cries of the fallen were muffled by the thick glass. The enemy's uniforms, which consisted of blood-coloured armour and black surcoats, was unfamiliar to him.

Darrius swore under his breath. 'What are your orders, sir?' he asked.

Elric did not hesitate. 'Hyde!' He twisted round to meet the Captain's somewhat startled gaze. 'Join the men outside and focus whatever firepower we have into defending the main construct. We cannot allow the enemy to break through. Hold them back by any means necessary!'

'Y-yes, sir!' With that Hyde left, disappearing back through the doors and down the hallway.

Seconds after the Captain departed, Darrius ran across the room and slammed the doors shut. 'What am I to do, sir?' he asked. 'Should I assist Captain Hyde in his duties?'

Elric stepped away from the window. 'No.' He shook his head. 'I need you here, Darrius. Should the enemy break through our defences, we will have no choice but to engage in a full frontal assault, and two men together are better than one.'

'Very wise, sir. It would be an honour to lay down my life for you, for Serandore would surely fall apart without your worth and valour...'

But Elric wasn't listening anymore. He was too busy staring, contemplating on whatever options and strategies he and his men had to choose from.

Twelve years had passed since his father's death, though Xalvadore Maelstras' untimely demise had not been for nothing. It had marked the start of a long reign involving peace and tranquillity, which Xalvadore had entrusted Elric to maintain.

He closed his eyes and sighed, succumbing to the nauseating guilt which stirred in the pits of his stomach. If only that were true... he thought.

Before he could allow it to get the better of him, however, he picked up on a distant yet familiar scream, prompting him to look towards the doors. Darrius' brows knitted together and he followed his superior's concerned gaze.

'That came from the hall...' Elric muttered.

Darrius backed away from the doors with slow, careful steps. A longsword sat at his hip, tucked inside of the sheath attached to his belt. The sound of hissing of steel echoed throughout the room as he reached down, pulling the weapon free.

Seconds later, a deafening explosion erupted from just outside and the doors were ripped from their hinges, smashing into the side walls with a heavy bang. Elric ducked behind his desk in time to avoid the remnants of smoke and dust which swept through, clouding the room in a dense, grey smog.

'What in great spirits was that?' Darrius exclaimed, though he sounded as though he were miles away. 'Sir Elric! Are you okay?'

Elric stood up. 'I'm fine,' he replied, waving away the mist which obstructed his view. He instinctively began to flex his fingers, preparing himself for whatever threats might be lurking nearby.

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