Chapter Six: Professor Killian

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The moment Erin regained consciousness and opened her eyes, an intoxicating warmth filled her from within, almost forcing her back into an empty, yet relaxing sleep. But then the realisation that she was still alive sunk in and she sat up, gasping, her gaze frantically wandering.

She soon calmed when she saw that she was sitting in a wide, four-poster bed. Still, her eyes travelled, taking in the weathered furniture scattered about the dimly lit room. Tall candle holders sat against the walls, though there were no flames to speak of, and a thin white sheet had been draped over her, preserving whatever warmth her body was able to emit. When Erin saw that she was alone, she fell back against the mattress and stared up at the white canopy hanging above.

Taking a moment to contemplate upon the various blanks within her mind, Erin closed her eyes, only to be met with a series of violent images. There was the bandit leader, his comrade, the knife, the shock, the blood, the pain and...

The poison!

Erin gasped and sat bolt upright. Her eyes widened in awe when she threw the sheet back and saw the crimson stained bandages wrapped around her upper thigh, concealing the grievous wound that lay beneath.

'Casius.' She reached out, caressing said bandages with a single finger. Her face softened when she remembered how the angel had taken her into her arms, like that of a knight boldly rescuing his beloved.

Cut back on the fairy tales, you dolt. Erin told herself. He found Killian. That's what's important here, not those stupid love stories.

The magus looked around the room in search of Casius, though her brows came together when she saw that he was nowhere to be found.

So, then where was he?

Using every ounce of strength she could muster, Erin pushed herself across the mattress and swung her legs over the side of the bed. Like hell she was just going to lie around, playing the role of the helpless damsel. The second her bare feet touched against the beige carpet, a sharp pain stirred from underneath the bandages, causing her to wince.

'Come on,' she hissed, features twisting under the strain of the intense discomfort coursing throughout her entire leg. 'Suck it up, woman! You're a warrior, not a weakling.'

The magus hadn't taken more than two steps when the door burst open and Casius himself strode into the room. Taken aback by his sudden presence, Erin toppled forward, her arms waving in a desperate bid to keep her balance.

But instead of falling face-first into the dense carpet, as was expected, she collapsed against something soft and, surprisingly, warm. At the same time, a pair of arms preserved themselves around her physique, drawing her in. She looked up, suddenly curious, and found a familiar pair of dark eyes staring into hers.

'H-hi,' she muttered.

Casius' wings twitched and the corner of his lips lifted upwards in a vague smile. 'Might I ask what were you attempting to achieve?'

'I don't really know.' Erin quickly averted her gaze. 'I was trying to find some civilised company, I guess.'

'Ah. I see.'

'Where are— hey!'

The magus' words were cut short by Casius, who reached down, casually taking her body into his arms and escorting her back over to the bed. Erin opened her mouth to protest, to demand that he put her down at once, but quickly held her tongue when she looked up and saw the look of seriousness etched across his face. Something glistened within the darkness of his eyes, but it wasn't curiosity.

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