Chapter Ten: Meeting Hirst

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The streets of Laistenbal were pretty much desolate by the time Erin and Casius arrived. With the exception of a crippled man struggling to make his way up the road and an elderly woman walking her dog, there was not a soul in sight.

Despite being the official neighbour of Dorafeir, the town of Laistenbal was nothing to look at. Rundown houses overlooked the leaf-strewn roads leading to the town square, and aside from the cluster of pigeons pecking at the dry ground and a single, unoccupied well, there was nothing to indicate that the town housed a population.

If not for the dogwalker and the cripple, Erin would have assumed that the town had been deserted, that the townsfolk had come to their senses and abandoned the place. However, this was not the case. Whilst escorting Casius about the streets and throughout the town, she stumbled upon a few more wandering locals, although she paid them no heed, choosing instead to let them continue with whatever it was they were doing.

They were close to reaching the heart of the Laistenbal when a group of young children armed with sticks rushed past, proclaiming that they were off to stop the "evil dragon" from killing the town residents.

'There's a dragon here?' Casius' eyes widened and he glanced round. 'We must help the young Mortals!' he exclaimed. 'They cannot possibly hope to stop such an abomination with petty weapons and no—'

'Relax, dummy,' Erin said, grabbing him by the arm and steering him back on course before he could attempt to follow after the children, who quickly disappeared down a nearby alleyway. 'They're just pretending.'


'Yeah. They're kids. Besides, what else can they do to pass the time in a place like this?'

'I see. So, young Mortals occupy themselves by orchestrating events which rely solely on the use of their imagination?'

Erin raised a single brow. 'Yeah, I guess so.' When she caught sight of Casius' awed expression, she smiled. 'What, are you telling me that little angels don't run around Heaven with sticks, chasing demons and stuff?'

'Not really, no. Young angels seek entertainment through family ventures and through the fascinating tales told by our Father.'

'Okay, just to be clear: when you say Father, are you talking about your biological father or God?'


'So then what do you call your biological father?'


The magus' smile broadened and her lips trembled in a lame attempt at hiding her own amusement. 'I see. So your mother is, what, Mama?'

Casius' brows knitted together in a look of confusion. Or was it possibly distaste? She couldn't tell. 'Why on earth would I address my dear mother as "Mama"?' he asked. 'She's my mother.'

'Well, because you...I...she...' Erin shook her head and sighed. Why waste time trying to explain the difference between something as insignificant as a way of address? 'Never mind. It doesn't matter.'

'Very well. Now, who exactly are we searching for? I have to say, this particular part of the realm doesn't appear to be all that safe.'

Erin rolled her eyes whilst Casius looked around the area, possibly taking note of the lack of habitants and overall excitement. 'Oh, will you relax?' she said. 'The only threat that lies in this region is a demented old guy, and the worst he could do is give you a good whack over the head with his stump. Anyway, the guy we're looking for doesn't reside in this part of Lasitenbal. He lives on the outskirts.'

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