Chapter Thirteen: Of Blood And Berries (Part III)

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Twilight had fallen by the time Faustus Belial reached Kilian's manor. Shrouded by the night shadows, the magus stared up at the towering doors which stood before him. He contemplated on punching through the worn slabs, but soon realised that manners were a priority in this kind of situation.

He hoped to earn the professor's trust and get all the necessary information through simple conversation. How could he ever hope to receive that if he forced his way into the man's home? That would be most unwelcoming.

Instead, Belial knocked three times using the cast iron dragon shaped door knocker. The sounds rang out like gunshots in the dead of night before being swallowed up by the surrounding foliage.

Shirin De Arctus stood beside him. 'Should I accompany you inside?' she asked.

Belial glanced back. 'You may do so if you wish. I suggest you be wary though, for this man might attempt some form of retaliation if he senses our true purpose.'

The mercenary pulled her long silver hair into a high ponytail. 'I will see that I am vigilant, your highness,' she said. She tugged at the folds of the grey longcoat which sat over plated armour, hiding it from view.

Moments later the door opened and Belial's eyes widened in surprise when he caught a glimpse of the man that was Laurus Killian. The professor - a tall, well-built man with slightly weathered features - hovered in the doorway, his gaze almost suspecting as he examined the two visitors standing on his doorstep.

'Yes?' he said. 'Can I help you?'

Belial offered the man the best smile he could muster. 'Professor Killian?'


'My name is Ramial Faustus. This is my assistant, Shirin De Arctus.' He gestured to Shirin, who acknowledged Killian with a curt nod. The professor returned the gesture. 'We come seeking information regarding one of your patients.'

Traces of hesitation flashed within Killian's eyes seconds before he stood aside. 'You best come in,' he said at last.

'Most kind.'

Belial pushed past him, with Shirin following closely behind. Killian shut the door and escorted them through the main lounge. They passed down a narrow corridor, which led to Killian's office - or so the magus assumed.

His assumption was proven to be correct, however, when Killian opened the door, unveiling the spacious room that was his personal office. An active fireplace stood in the far corner of the room, bathing the room a vivid orange.

'Please have a seat.' Killian wandered over to where his desk was and stood behind it.

Belial declined the professor's offer with a polite shake of his head. 'It is only a short visit,' he said, his eyes wandering about the room. The polished oak décor gave the office a refined, upscale appearance. It seemed worlds apart from the rundown castle he called home.

'So, tell me again. Why are you here, Mr Faustus?'

'Please, just call me Ramiel.' Belial dismissed Killian's formal acknowledgements with a mere wave of his hand. 'As I said before, I come seeking information regarding your latest patients.'

Killian's gaze narrowed. 'I'm afraid I cannot disclose such information. The rules surrounding my profession forbid me from doing so. I hope you understand.'

After taking a moment to consider the professor's words, Belial nodded. 'I understand,' he said. 'Tell me, Professor Killian. Do you believe in magic?'

'What kind of a question is that? If you are naïve to my exact position here, I can always-'

'That isn't what I meant.' Belial's thin lips stretched in a malicious grin. Manners had obviously failed and so it was time to change tactics. 'I know exactly who you are, Laurus Killian, but that doesn't matter,' he said, almost mockingly. 'What matters is whether you are willing to overlook the rules and give me what I'm asking, or face the consequences that come with refusing.'

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