Living With A Payne

Start from the beginning

Katia sat on the kitchen table with her earplugs on. She wore her skinny jeans and a blue V-neck with her khaki green Keds. She bobbed her head to the music as she chewed on a piece of toast.

 “Morning…” I muttered.

She smiled, acknowledging my presence and went back to singing along with her ipod. “Cups in the air, we so fly, middle finger up in the sky—” She sang softly.

I looked at her strangely. “Since when did you start listening to Cobra Starship?”

She was never into songs like those. She was the 'good girl' between the two of us after all.

Katia shrugged. “It’s catchy. Aunt Mon was playing it in her room last night.”

“What has she done to you.” I shook my head, clearly disappointed with my sister’s reason for her song choice.

Katia and I had always hated it here. Our legal guardian was always out clubbing and her daughter, our cousin, was a fifteen year-old brat—who in my opinion, should seriously go away. Life wouldn’t have been a load of trash if my parents hadn’t given Katia and I up for adoption. What were we? Pets? There wasn’t anything wrong with having twin daughters right?

Aunt Mon always told us that our mum and dad never prepared themselves for twins, so they let her have us, considering she had more money to spare. They didn’t know she spend most of it on expensive drinks.


The only thing that calmed me down was the fact that by tomorrow, Katia and I would both me on a plane headed for London. We’d gotten accepted to the universities we wanted, so it was another good reason to leave.

Katia hopped off the counter and headed out the door while I followed behind. I couldn’t care less if Chesca missed her bus again. She was such a pain, thinking I’d actually go and call her from her room like the slave she imagines me to be.

“Oh Lord I can’t wait for tomorrow!” Katia squealed as we waited by the bus stop.

Sure we were old enough to drive, but we had no car.

Know why?

Cause our genius auntie, decided alcohol and her non-existent social life was more important.

I felt myself smile. “Don’t even—Shoot! Do not get me started!” I frowned, trying to hold back my laughter.

She chuckled as the bus came to view.


She and I both spun around to see a pissed off Chesca. Her heavily made-up face looked all wrinkled whenever she frowned. I was suddenly thankful I wasn’t aunt Mon’s daughter. I wouldn’t want to end up looking like her.

“Jeez. I thought maybe today we could actually get rid of her.” I snickered quietly as Katia rolled her eyes at the eye sore coming out way.

“You two are so dead! When I tell my mum that you planned to leave me again, she’ll—”

“She’ll what?” I spat out as Katia climbed into the bus. “What could she possibly do now? Katia and I’ll be on our way to London, so go. Go tell her while we’re in another freaking country!” I yelled as I staled over to the bus.

Ugh she was so annoying sometimes.

I never get this snappy.

She just takes it out of me.

(Katia’s POV)

Last day of school…

That’s all that I thought of as I answered my last exam.

Three more questions…

I couldn’t wait for the final bell. I could see myself now, spending my last afternoon in Australia at the beach one more time before running home to finish packing. And by morning, Kat and I would be on the plane to the UK. The thought of being able to escape everything here made it hard for me to hold back a smile.

Two more questions…

I thought of how different it would be not having Chesca and auntie Monica, then I thought of how it would be like meeting British boys.

I. Will. Have. The. Best. Summer. EVER!

One more question…

I could already feel myself stand as I wrote down my answer as fast as I could. I ripped my paper off my desk and skipped off to the front of the room. I handed the test to the proctor, who’s name—and face will be completely irrelevant to me by the end of the day.

“Done already Ms. Brisbane?” She raised a confused eyebrow at me. “You have thirty minutes left? Are you sure of your answers?”

I nodded happily and ran out of the classroom.


I could see students who had finished early walk to their lockers, ready to gather their books and leave for summer break.

“Katia!” I could see Kat on the other end of the corridor, running toward me. “Omg it’s over!” She cried—literally.

I grinned. “Next stop, London!”

We squealed excitedly.

I slipped my red and white-stripped bikini on under my denim shorts and loose tank. I let my chocolate brown hair fall further below my shoulder blades. And snatched my shades from my desk.

“Ready?” Kat leaned against the doorframe, in her faded blue T-shirt and brown shorts.


“Hold up! I’m coming!” We heard a familiar—and irritating voice coming from down the hall. Kat and I both walked out to the hallway to see Chesca in extremely short shorts and a neon bikini top. Her eyes were heavily lined with make-up.

“Oh Lord! Put a shirt over that stomach!” Kat yelled as she stalked angrily down the stairs.

Chesca rolled her eyes and followed her to the door. I giggled silently as I noticed her belly jiggled as she moved.


She was coming?


“Can you believe her?” Kat grumbled, sitting next to me in her blue bikini.

I felt the sand against my skin as I sat up, lifting my shades from my eyes.

Chesca was sitting near the shore, putting on sun block as she flirted with a group of older-looking boys. They were probably eighteen, like Kat and I.

I rolled my eyes and lay back down.

“Just ignore her. We’ll be gone my tomorrow.”

I heard her mumble a few swears before she started working on her tan.


This is my first Liam fan fic! I really hope you like it! Sorry, none of the boys are out yet, but they will be in the the next chapter, when the girls get to london!! I couldn't think of anymore names so I decided to use my real name and my best friend's real name :)) Katia (me) and Kat :))

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