Hello New Friend

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[Your Pov.]

You sat up in your bed and groaned. Why did your head hurt so much? Oh yeah, it was that stupid tube in the wall leading to that lab of yours. You really needed to fix that.

You got up and changed into a plain (S/F/C) t-shirt, (F/C) jean-like jacket, and a pair of grey leggings. Something casual. Nothing too flashy.

You walked to your living room of your house and looking out the window, at your twin brother's house. There was a car parked at the front and everyone was outside, including someone you haven't seen before.

He had a fully red hoodie, light brown spiky hair that looked like two horns, and a bandage on his cheek.

Your brother, Edd, wrapped his arms around this new person and they talked for a while. Matt was the one who didn't really remember this new person or something because he kept asking who this new guy was. Tom... Tom wasn't pleased. That's what you thought.

Edd looked over the new guy's shoulder and saw you. He smiled.


You ducked under the window sill and thats when your phone rang. You sighed and stood up. You picked up the phone and answered.

"Hey sis!," your brother greeted.

You sighed again and spoke with your slight british accent,"Hello, Edd."

"Awe come on! Don't be so grumpy like Tom! Come out and meet my old friend, Tord!"

You looked out the window and this so called 'Tord' looked at you and waved.

You rolled your (E/C) eyes,"Fine."

You hung up, shoved your phone in your pocket in your jacket, and walked to your brother's house. Your's was a little nicer that your brother's because you actually had a job.

It was kinda boring but gets the bills payed and such. You drew and sold pictures of characters people like animators can use for animations and such. Boring and too easy.

"Tord, meet my twin sister, (Y/N)!" Edd said, happy as ever, gesturing to you.

You rolled your eyes,"Hello."

"Hello, there. I'm Tord, as you may know." Tord said to you, reaching out for a hand shake. You shook his hand quickly, just trying not to get attatched to him or anything.

"Well, it seems that the introduction is over. I'll be going home now. I am working on something important to me," you said to you brother, bowing a little with your hand on your chest.

He frowned,"Awe. But (Y/N)! It's only been like five minutes! Get out of the house sometimes!"

"I said I'm working on something!" you said. You was so sure your eyes were red with flames at this point.

You brother backed up but Tord didn't.

Dammit, I lost my temper again... You thought to yourself.

You stormed back to your house and walked into your kitchen. You looked at the family picture from years ago on your wall. It was from when you and Edd was like 12 maybe. Pre-teen age.

You and Edd was, as usual, fighting. He was gesturing to something while you had your arms crossed against your chest, denying it. Your parents were behind you two with their hands on their faces like they facepalmed. Best family photo ever.

You smiled at it and lifted it up. A particular brick behind it was colored a slightly darker shade that the color of the walls. The paint you used was specially designed by you to make sure only you can see that its different.

You pushed on it,"Password, 'Only Me'"

It beeped and the brick receded and all the bricks around it. A tube came out of the hole in the wall and you slid down it. Nearing the end, it went down a straight 90 degrees, making you fall onto a swirvle chair.

You pushed yourself off the wall of the computer lab full of hand made weapons and to a desk of chemicals and poisons you made yourself.

"Jacob, add 'Fix tube' to my to-do-list and make the lights a little brighter," you said to your computer assistant.

"Okay, (Y/N). Will you like me to remind you?"

"Yes. Now turn up the brightness. I'm no vampire."

The lights in the large room brightened and someone's voice from the tube. Someone with a very heavy accent. Way heavier than your's. You turned to the tube.

A fimiliar boy with horn-like hair and a red hoodie fell from the tube and onto his bottom on the hard white tile floor.

"Ow! What the hell!? Why isn't there any cushoning!?" Tord said.

"Hey! Why are you here!? Get out! You're not supposed to be here!!"

You got up from your chair, pushed it to make it hit a button on the wall, making a tube from the wall appear and shoot out a small handgun. You caught the small gun in your hands and pointed it at Tord.

"Easy there, (Y/N). I was just coming to see your place and saw that you didn't locj your door, so I let myself in and found a hole in the wall," Tord said, getting up.

You held the gun pointing at his head from a-far as he got up.

"What bussiness do you have here?" you asked him.

"Why so formal, toots? We're all friends here, not some boss talking to his employee."

"It's how I'm taught to speak, thank you very much. Now, please, answer my question."

"Welll, I was just coming over to see what you're working on."

"A poison. Now, will you please get out? Press the button near the tube and you have five seconds to stand under it for it to suck you back up to the kitchen."

You pressed a button on a panel near a huge T.V. and a robotic hand appeared from the wall. You handed the hand the gun and it kept it pointed at Tord.

Tord didn't listen to your instructions and walked around your lab as you sat back down, mixing each chemical carefully.

Tord looked over your shoulder and at what you were working on. It was something simple. All poisons you can acess mixed together drop by drop.

Who should you use it on?...

Hello, New Friend | Tord x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now