Chapter 20 *Part 2*

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In the car......

Geo- Mommy?

Mo- Yeah hun?

Geo- Why were you and daddy yelling?

Mo- Um.....We were just talking.

Geo- Then why did he hit you?

Mo- *Shit!!* Okay we here. Lets go.

*Mo's POV: Damn i wish he didnt see that. How the hell am i supposed to tell him about Me and Jakes Problems??? You know what im going to. Thats something a child shouldnt have to worry about....*

[Skipping to when the appointment is over they in the car]

*Mo's Phone starts to ring "Keith Sweat; Twisted" Its Prince.*

Mo- What?

Prince- Can you please drop the attitude?

Mo- Ugh! What?

Prince- [sigh] Can you drop Geo off at my moms on your way home?

Mo- Why?

Prince- Just please.

Mo- Fine. [Hangs up.] Geo you wanna go to your nana's?

Geo- Yeah!!

Mo- [smiles] Okay.

[At Princetons moms house]

PM: Hey Geo!! [Picks him up and hugs him]

Mo- Be good Geo [Kisses his cheek]

Geo- Love you mommy!

Mo- Love you too. [Starts to walk away]

PM- Wait!. Geo go play with your cousins. [Geo runs into the house]

Mo- [Nervous] Yes?

PM- Look im sorry for everything that i said and caused.

Mo- Really its fine.

PM- No its not. You make  my son happy and thats makes me happy. So am i forgiven?

Mo- Yeah. [Smiles and they hug]

PM- Why is your cheek so red hun?

Mo- [Rubs her cheek] Oh it must be the way i slept last night. [Changing the subject] When would you like me to pick him up?

PM- Um whenever's best for you.

Mo- Okay.

PM- Have you found out what your having?

Mo- [Smiles] A boy and a girl.

PM- Oh mija im so happy for you! [Hugs her]

Mo- Yeah im excited.

PM- Well would it be okay if i threw you a babyshower?

Mo- Oh no i dont want you go through all that trouble.

PM- No its the least i could do. [Smiles and rubs her belly.]

Mo- Okay. Thx

PM- No problem. Ill see you later.

Geo- Nana!! Come look at what we made!!

[They laugh]

Mo- Bye [Smiles and walks back to her car.]

*Mo'sPOV: I walk into the house and Jake is sitting on the couch lookin hella fresh. He looked fine as fuck! I kept calm and sat my stuff down. I stood there not saying a word.*

Prince- Mo-[GCO]

Mo- I thought i said i wanted you out.

Prince- Can you just sit down and talk to me.

Mo- [Sighs and sits on the opposite end of the couch.] What?

Prince- Can we please stop fighting?

Mo- We only fight when you get these mood swings. And you put your hands on me.....[Looks down]

Prince- [Scoots over to her] I know and i shouldnt take my anger out on you...

Mo- Geo asked me why you hit me.....

Prince- [Ashamed] And what did you tell him?

Mo- What was i supposed to tell him? Jake i really dont know what happend to us.

Prince- I dont know either. But what im trying to tell you is that im willing to make it work.That is if you are.

Mo-......Idk.....We cant keep doing this.

Prince- I know!!

Mo- [Calm] Jake.

Prince- [Takes a deep breath] Im sorry. But do you see what i mean. We can make this work. I couldnt even picture being with anyone else. You get me. You keep me calm. No one else gets me like you do...

Mo- I want us to be a family [Looks at her stomach]

Prince- [Starts rubbing her belly.] So what are they?

Mo- A boy and a girl.

Prince- [Face lights up. All happy and kisses her belly] I gotta tell my mom.

Mo- I already did.

Prince- You what?

Mo- Me and her put aside our issues and now we good.

Prince- [Smiles] Good [Pecks her lips] Now we are a family [Looks at her belly] Well almost [Kisses her passionatly]

*Princeton's POV: I really hope we stay like this. Cuz i have alot of plans for our future. I want to marry this woman!! I couldnt picture life without her. Imma make her mine officially!!! I hope she says yes.....* 

Princetons moms house

PM- So are you excited for your little brother and sister to get here?

Geo- Yeah im excited.....

PM- Whats wrong Geo?

Geo- Im worried about momma.

PM- Why hun?

Geo- She alway cwies. And her and daddy always fight. And today i seen him hit her.....

PM- He what!?!?

Geo- He hit momma. I asked her why and she said they was just talkin.

PM- Well.....[Timmer on the oven goes off] Come on lets go ice these cupcakes.

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