Chapter 13

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Mo's POV

*Jake has acctually been better. Hes been spending alot of time with Geo. H estill goes out with friends but not as much. And Reshad usually comes over when Jake leaves. Idk why its kinda like his look out or something. But im not sure. I woke this morning at 2:30. TO the boys screaming about something. So i jumped out of bed to see what was wrong.*

Me- (Yawning) Wt- (Geo runs to me and Jake looks shocked.)

G- Mommmy i just beat Daddy's high score!!!

Me- Good job bubba. (High fives him.)

Jake- Come on boy we aint done.

G- Bring it on then.

Me- (Laughs) How long have yall been up playing?

Jake- Since like 5:30.

Me- You guys are rediculous....

G- You wanna play momma?

Me- Naw i need to go take a shower then maybe we can go do something.

Jake- I promised him a boys day out after you woke up.

Me- Fine by me. Then i can clean this place up a lil bit. (Walks into the room)

Jake- Why dont you set up Mario Cart while i talk to you mom?

G- Okay but imma beat you at that too.....

Jake- (Laughs to himself.)

*Jake walks into the room and Mo is standing there in a towel about to take a shower.*

Mo- Dammit why cant you knock!?!?!

Jake- It aint nothin i aint already seen. (Puts his arms around her and starts rubbing her tummy.) That is how we got this one and the one in the living room.

Mo- (Laughs a lil) Whatever.

Jake- So you dont mind me taking him?

Mo- No all i ask is to be careful

Jake- What do you mean.

Mo- I dont want him around none of your boys unless its C, Trey, Or Ray.

Jake- (Texting) Mhm.

Mo- Are you listening to me?

Jake- Yes i heard you babe. (Still looking at his phone.)

Mo- (Walks over and pulls his face to hers.) Hearing me and understanding me is two different things.

Jake- (Kisses her) I hear you baby now go take your shower fo you loose that towel

Mo- (Playfuly pushes him) Go play your game. (Takes a shower and changes. Then goes into the living room.) Yall better get going fo it gets too late.

Jake- (Standing up) Shes right come on lil man.

G- (Walks over to Mo and hugs her leg.) Bye momma love you.

Mo- (Leans down to his level and kisses his forhead) Bye baby love you too

Jake- (Picks up Geo standing by the front door.) Bye baby. Love you. Do you want anything?

Mo- No im good.

Jake- If you say so. (Leaves.)

Mo's POV

*Its been about 2 hours and im almost done cleaning the house. Then Rashad walks in. Jake gave him a key. I have no clue why.....* End Of POV

Mo- Jake aint here Shad.

Shad- I aint come here for Jake. (Starts walking towords Mo)

Mo- (Steping back.) Then why are you here?

Shad-  For you.

Mo- Im good i can take of myself. So if jake sent you to watch me you can leave. (Backs up into a wall.)

Shad- (Now right infront infront of her with there bodies touching.) Naw baby i came to get at chu.

Mo- Naw niqqa you need to back the hell up. (Pushes him back but he pins her to the wall holding her wrists.) Let me go!

Shad- You gon give me what i want i want. (Picks her up kicking and screaming and take her to the room and throws her on the bed then climbs on top of her and starts kisses her neck..)

Mo- (Trying to push him off.) Shad get off!! Jake gon be home anytime.

Shad- You think that gon stop me?

Mo- I thought Jake was your boy? Yalls was tight?

Shad- Why you think we are? Huh? Eversince high school i wanted you. And then you turn around and have a baby this niqqa!!

Mo- (POV: Two...) Oh my gosh

Shad- And that should be me and you with a baby not you and his puck ass!! (Gripping onto my wrist tighter)

Mo- Your hurting me!!!

Shad- You gon give a baby. (Starts kissing her but she wont kiss back.)

Mo- (Bites his lip really hard then he backs up and slaps her )

Shad- Bitch i sware if you dont give me what i want imma have to hurt you

Mo- Get off of me!!!

Shad- Do you wanna see Geo again?


Shad- Thats what i thought.

*He starts to kiss her and she kisses back so he wont hurt her or the baby. Then he srips her down to her bra and underware. And he just in his boxers.*

Shad- You ready baby?

Mo- Please stop (Crying)

Shad- (Starts beating the shit out of her so she not responcive she still coverd her stomach but then she passed out.)___________________________________________________________



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