Chapter 24

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Mo's POV

Ive been in the hospital for a little over 3 days. They told me i could go home but the babies cant leave for a while cuz they are so small. So im not going to leave them. Geo has been staying with Princeton's mom. Prince has been staying there too but whenever i ask to talk too him he aint there or she aint seen him. Prod and Shawny havent talked, or so i hear. Ray and Nel havent been getting along either. Dom and Roc are still going on strong she calls to see how im doing. So yeah thats how ive been. Here comes the nurse with my babies.

N- Here you go ma'am

Me- Thank you.

N- Um you have a visitor.

Me- (Picking up Armoni cuz she woke up) Alright

Rashad came in.

Me- What are you doing here?!!

Shad- (Shutting the door) Hey baby. How are you?

Me- What do you want?!!

Shad- Shhh. (Rubbing the side of Kamar's face.) You dont wanna wake up the babies, do you?

Me- Please leave.

Shad- It okay im not gonna hurt you babygirl. (Sits down next to my bed and stares at Armoni) We make pretty babies huh?

Me- Tf are you talking about?

Shad- Come on now aint it obvious? You found out you were pregnant after that night.

Me- I was pregnant b4 that Rashad. Now please leave.

Shad- Look-(Prince and Geo walk in)

Prince- What the fuck are you doing in here?!!

Shad- Came to see my lady.

Prince- (Pushes him up aginst the wall) I should kill you right now.

Shad- I dont blame you for sticking with her. She's good in the sheets.

Prince punches him in the face and I put the babie in the crib and try to step beween them.

Me- You guys stop!!

Rashad punches prince in the face

Geo- Stop hitting my daddy!!! (Starts pulling on Shad's leg)

Shad- (Pushes him so that he falls) Tf off me!!

Prince- Thats it! (Punches him non stop. Till Shad starts bleeding from his nose and lip.)

Me- (Sitting Geo on the bed.) Stay here. (Running to Prince) Jake stop!!! Cant you see he's had enough?!!

Security came in and broke up the fight. They took both of them to the station. Me and Geo were sitting on the bed. Geo was crying. I was trying not to.

Geo- I want daddy!!

Me- I know. I do to baby.

Nurse came in.

N- Um you have another visitor. Dont worry she says its your mother in-law.

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