Chapter 5

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Mo's POV

*I went to my room and started packing when I my phone started ringing.....It was Mom.*

Phone Convo

Me- Hey momma :)

Ma- Hey baby how is it so far 

Me- Me and Jake arent really getting along....but oh well

Ma- Im sorry honey I was hopeing yall would work out.

Me- Who knows....Hows my baby?

Ma- He sleepin right now.....

Me- Whats wrong ma?

Ma- Im think it would be best if you and Geo move down there....

Me- Why?

Ma- Well...

Me- Mom your scaring me....

Ma- Well today after i got off work Krissy said some guy stopped by to see Vonni and when i asked her who she said his name was....uhh...Jamal....

Me- What!?!?! He touched my son!!!!!!

Ma- Calm down Mija.

Me- No mom what if he tried to take him or something!?!?!?

Ma- I know all i could do is hold him and cry but i already have the money ready for yalls apartment.

Me- How is G gonna get here tho?

Ma- Your dad is going down there for business and said he would drop him off....

Me- Okay but when?

Ma- In two days

Me- Okay but mom im scared.

Ma- Its okay i have the next week off and i wont let him outta my site i promise.

Me- Okay (Jake walks in) Um mom ill call you later 

Ma- Okay luv you!

Me- Luv you to give Geo a big hug and kiss for me

End of Phone Call.

*I sat down on the bed and just scilently cried then Jake came and sat next to me.*

Jay- Is everything okay with Geovanii?

Me- Why do you care? You said he wasnt yours!

Jay- Look i know and im sorry. I was just mad.

Me- What ever Jake stop acting like you care....

Jay- Please dont leave

Me- (Starts crying again) Im not....

Jay- Well why are you crying?

Me- I have to move down here for a while

Jay- Thats great!!! You can stay with us

Me- No im getting my own place

Jay- Your gonna stay by yourself 

Me- No imma have Geo.....

Jay- (Face lit up) Really???

Me- Yeah we have to move down here cuz of some problems

Jay- What problems?

Me- *Crying harder* Ja....Jamal (Goes to the bathroom and cries.)

Prince's POV

*Who the hell is Jamal!?!?!?!? I went into Roc and Doms room and Dom was watching tv and Roc was in the shower.*

D- Wassup Jake??

Me- Um can i ask you something?

D- Yep!

Me- Anyways...Whose Jamal?

D- (Sits up) how do you know about Jamal?

Me- I dont but Mo is upset bout him so who is he

D- Okay Jake sit down (Pats seat next to her.)

Me- Now your scaring me...

D- Okay when Monique was like 2 months preagnant she met Jamal at the park and he promised to take care of her and Geo but when she was like 7 months preagnant Mo didnt want to have sex with him cuz she didnt feel right and he beat the shit outta her she called 911 and he was arrested and she....she um (Starts to cry) She almost lost Geo.....

Me- WHAT!?!?!?

D- Please shhh


D- I know but everything is okay now...

Me- Just hope i dont ever see him (Leaves to Mo's Room.)

*Damn dont you think Prince is sexy when he mad??? Yummyy lol. Well next chapie coming SOON. Hope you liked it!!!! Vote!!!! Comment!!!!*

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