Chapter 18

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Mo's POV

*I woke up this morning with tears still on my face. I sat up rubbing my eyes hoping that everything that happen last night was just a dream. But it wasnt. I got out of bed and wasnt feeling to good but luckily didnt throw up. I walked into the living room and no Jake. I wanted to cry so badly but nothing......I took a shower and got dressed then called T while i was doing my makeup.*

T- Hello?

Me- Hey girl.

T- Hey!! Wassup?

Me- Nuthing much just doin my makeup.

T- You sound upset babygirl whats wrong?

Me- (Sitting down mascara) Me and Jake...Uh broke up last night....

T- What? Why?!?!

Me- Where is everyone?

T- They all went out i didnt want to go.

Me- Than come over so i can tell you.

T- K be there in 10.

(Hangs up.)

*While i waited for T to get here i looked around the room and all of Jakes things were still here. Which ment he would be back. But with Jake you never know. Just then T got here and we sat on the couch.*

T- Okay talk to me.

Me- Okay me and Jake broke up cuz he thinks im cheating on him.

T- Are you?

Me- No....

T- come on Nique theres something your not telling me.

Me- If i tell you promise not to tell anyone.

T- Promise.

Me- (Tells her about Rashad.)

T- Oh my gosh....Are you serious!?!?Why dont you tell Jake?

Me- Cuz if i do and Shad finds out....(Holding back tears.) He said he would hurt Geo and the babies.(Cries.)

T- (Sits closer to Mo and holds her while she cries.) Shh its okay.

Me- No it not.

T- (Pulls away) Look. I want you to tell Jake-

Me- No i cant.

T- No listen and after you tell him i want you and Geo to come stay with Me and everyone else.

Me- I dont want Jake to do something stupid.

T- Thats why imma have to talk to Prod.

Me- Really of all people your gonna tell Prod?

T- Well yeah why not.

Me- You remember when we went to the mall with hiim and he saw those guys try to talk to us. He wanted fight them in the parking lot!

T- Oh well my baby got a temper thats all.

(They laugh. And Prince walks in.)

T- I gotta get going by girl. (They hug) Love ya! (Leaves.)

*Prince walks into the bedroom and Mo follows him.*

Mo- (Stading in the door way.) Where were you?

P- (Changing) Dont worry bout it.

Mo- Look can we please talk.

P- (In his boxers) I have nothing to say to you.

Mo- Please just let me explain.

P- (Grabs a towel and pushes past her then walks into the laundry room and Mo still follows.)

Mo- Jake please.

P- Look Monique we are done.

Mo- Why wont you just let me explain!?!

*Prince walks into the living room and sits down on the couch and Mo sits on the other one.*

P- Talk well.

Mo-...........(Tells about Rashad and why she didnt say anything.)

*Mo's POV: After i told Jake everything he tensed up and looked so angry. It acctually scared me. Ive never seen him like this. He said nothing just sat there staring at the blank tv with his fist tightend and his jaw clinched.*

Mo- Jake?

*Prince jumps up and goes into the bedroom and gets dressed. He goes to leave but Mo is standing into doorway.*

P- Nique you need to move.

Mo- No im not gonna let you go do something stupid.

P- So what you want me to just here and act like nothings wrong with what he did!?!?! He raped MY girl!!! Threatend MY kids!!! And almost KILLED you and the babies!!! Naw shit aint gon fly ma. (Goes to leave but Mo wraps her arms around him and he stops. They just step back and sit on the bed.)

*Mo's POV: We were sitting on the bed. He was still tense but wouldnt let me go.*

Mo- Jake please calm down. (She looked up and kissed him slowly and he started to loosen up.)

P- (Pulls away and holds her tighter.) Nique im sorry for putting my hands on you.

Mo- Its okay.

P- No its not. I only did what Shad has been doing to you. And that was wrong. Im sorry baby.


P- (Starts to rub her belly.) To think i almost lost yall.

*Mo's POV: As he said that his voice started to crack. Now of all the years i aint never seen this boy cry. But just to here him this way was killing me.He started to tense up again*

Mo- (Kisses his jaw bone sothing him a lil.) Please just calm down. (Prince looks away but she pulls his face to hers.) For me. Please.

P- (Kisses Mo then pulls away.) I love you.

Mo- I love you too.

*After that they snuggled up in bed and Mo drifted to sleep.*

Prince's POV: This aint over. Rashad gon get whats coming. It different when you fuck with me. But my family. Thats different. This niqqa better pray i dont find him.

[The song on the right has nothing to do with the story but i was watching the video while typing. Its so cute at the begining when Diggy smiles and says "Its Diggy!!" Check it out -------->]

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