Chapter 11 Part 2

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*Me and Dom were in the living room talking. Nel never came cuz her and Ray needed to "talk". Still havent heard from Jake and he ignores all my calls.*

Dom- So what did you wanna tell me?

Mo- Um i might be pregnant.....

Dom- What!?!?

Mo- Im-

Dom- I heard you. Does Jake know?

Mo- Yup i told him today and he was so happy.......

Dom- Then whats the problem?

Mo- Jake is into some dangerous shit right now and im scared imma end up raising the kids by myself.

Dom- Your gonna be okay and all you need to do is sit down and talk to him and if he aint willing to quit the bull shit them tell him he wont be able to see neither of the kids.

Mo- I cant do that. Him and Geo are so close now.

Dom- I know so if you tell him that then he'll stop....Get it?

Mo- I guess

*Geo comes out of his room rubbing his eyes.*

Dom- Hey GeeGee!!

G- Hi aunie Dom! *sits on Dom's lap.* Hey momma.

Mo- Hey baby *weakly smiles*

G- Wheres daddy he said we were going to da pawk when i gots up.

Mo- Daddy had to go somewhere.

G- But he promised!

Mo- I know luv. Im sorry.

G- *Crying* I want daddy!!

Mo- Come here *Holds Geo in her arms.* Its too late now but tomorrow ill take you to the park.

G- Promise? *Puts up his pinky.*

Mo- *Pinky promises* Promise. Now go play cars and ill make you something to eat after i finish talking to Aunie Dom.

*Geo leaves*

Mo- Now do you see what im talking about?

Dom- He is really hurting that poor baby.

*After we talked. We made Geo some food. Then Roc called Dom so she had to leave. It was about 8:30 pm and Geo was laying down in my bed watching "Alice in Wonderland" while i finished doing laundry. When i walked into my room Geo was spread out across the bed so i took him to his room and tucked him in. After i showerd and got dressed for bed i layed down and all i could think about was Jake. I dont know what to do anymore. To be honest i was scared without him here holding me. I drifted off to sleep.*

Prince's POV

Me- You sure that the kid?

Tito- Yeah. He was the one hangin round your baby momma house.

Rashad- Yeah we found out he be kickin with Sanchez and Ol' due from the other night. Whats that kats name?

Sammie- *Passing Tito a blunt* Malik.

Rashad- Yeah *Takin the blunt from Tito then passes it to Prince* 

Marvin- iight well we gon find em later on this week. So yall can leave. 

*I started drivin back to Nique's. She was gonna be mad if she fount out where id been so imma have to make something up. I pulled up in the drive way and unlocked the door and walked in and all the lights were off. I went to Geo's room to make sure he was okay and made sure the house was locked up. Then i went to me and mo's room and striped to my boxers and got in bed.*

Mo's POV

*I wa sleeping pretty peacful until i felf arms wrap around my waist. It was Jake. Then he started kissing on my neck.*

Me- Where have you been?

Prince- Oh um i was with the boys and Keisha

Me- *Sits up and turns on the light* How fucking stupid do you think i am?!?! The boys were with the girls all day!! So what other lies you wanna tell me now? 

Prince- Look Mo i just had to clear some things out with my bro and that was it.

*Just then leaned in and started kissing me with so much passion and then started to rub my inner thigh. I tried to hold in my moans but i coudnt hep but let out soft quiet moans as he began to rub me through my panties. What was wrong with him? i pulled away and looked at him in his eyes.*

Me- Jake your high.

Prince- No im not baby come here. *He said sluring his words slightly. And reaching for me but i pushed him away.*

Me- No Jake your not in the right state of mind right now.

Prince- What are you talking about Mo im fine. *Gets on top of me and starts sucking on my neck. I hate it when he's like this. :/*

Me- Jacob seriousy get off *Pushes him off* Go sleep in the living room!

Prince- Why are you so mad at me i havent done nothing wrong!

Me- Oh really? 

Prince- Yes! You have no reason to be mad!!

Me- I have Every reason in the world to be mad at you! He only been down here 4 or 5 months and your already messing with his emotions!!

Prince- I aint done shit to him! Im trying to be a good dad thats all!!

Me- And how is that? Huh?!? Makeing promises to him that you cant keep then leaving me to sit there and watch him cry over you sorry ass!!

Prince- Look im sorry Mo! Im just trying to keep yall safe.

Me- You know im done. Tomorrow i want your stuff out and dont want you around Geo anymore!!! 

*I turned off the light and went to sleep silently crying. I know i was probly too hard on him but im scared that he's gonna get hurt. If he did idk what i would do......Right when i started to doze off Jake got in bed and wraped his arms around me tight.*

Prince- *Whispering* Im sorry baby im just trying to keep yall safe. Im tired of hurting you and Geo. I want us to be a family.


Prince- You dnt have to say anything i just beg that you dont keep me from my son. *Kisses my shoulder* I love you Monique. 

*They fell asleep.*

I know it was short and boring but trust me itll get better. I have alot of pans for later on in the story. But i want yall's help. So tell me what you would want to happen. Vote!!!Comment!!!!

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