Chapter 46

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Justin's POV

Her smile is the key, her smile is the answer, her smile is the reason.

From her smile she was showing me yesterday, it's completely different. Her eyes contact with mine and her smile made me realize of something out of sudden.

Her smile kinda hinted at me of something, something she's been hiding away from me for so long yet never wanted to open up for me. Something she's lacking of, something that's bothering her for so long.

Her confidence.

From her smile on her face, the way she looked into my eyes, I saw the different version of her. She's made up her mind finally. She's taking consideration for herself for once with confidence.

However, what still confused me the most is the reason of breaking down her confidence.

Suddenly, someone interrupted my thought by giving a few knocks on the door of my office which caused me regaining consciousness back on earth.

I cleared my throat and replied with a monotone "Come on in.".

A familiar figure was recognized within a second after the door was pushed open, I looked at him in surprise by asking him confusedly at his unexpected appearance "Wow! Thomas, why are you here? Shouldn't you be staying in your own department around this hour?".

His face remained emotionless and walked straight to me without replying me or saying a word.

Silence was filled between both of us as he's literally standing opposite of me without any response while I was remained sitting on my chair waiting for his response.

I grabbed a pen which was placed on my desk, my vision went fully focused on the pen in my hand and I chose to break the awkward silence by asking him with a smile on my face "Thomas, honestly, sometime I really feel like I understand her but sometime I feel like I don't. She's confusing me in some occasions.".

Thomas remained silent and I carried on by elevating my head to reach his eyes contact, I added "I know she still has feeling on me, we are still so in love with each other but I seriously have no idea about the purpose of this marriage anymore. Ariana started changing, she's fading, she's loosing her spark, she's lost her confidence. I really don't know that she doesn't feel confident in herself, me or this marriage. I started wondering that is this the exact reason of causing her wanting to divorce with me. She doesn't feel safe anymore in this marriage?".

I continued by locking my eyes contact with Thomas, I said "Thomas, I feel Ariana was feeling more confident around you. She's more down to earth, more like herself. Thomas, I was wondering if this marriage a right decision for Ariana. She just started showing me her confidence yesterday but I am afraid that she might loose it tomorrow. I am really tired of her up and down emotions nowadays. Thomas, I mean Ariana maybe deserve someone like you. At least you...".

Thomas interrupted me by looking at me in disbelief, he urged "Justin, are you even serious? Ariana is your wife and now you want to push her away to me? I really don't understand you too sometime. Can you please stop doubting Ariana's feeling or confidence for once? Yes, she's lost her confidence but do you ever think the reason of causing her like this?".

I nodded and admitted "Yes, I really do. But, I still can't figure it out, I mean she...".

Thomas cut me off by raised his voice at me a little in a serious tone "Justin, I know you love her so much and I understand your feeling but do you ever care about her feeling instead of doubting her? Are you an idiot, Justin? Why can't you stop assuming herself as the reason for once but instead of yourself?".

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