Chapter 18

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Justin's POV

"Justin, why are you crying?", Ariana questioned me out of sudden and caused me jump a little.

I wiped my tears away immediately by hiding my face away from Ariana, I faked giggled "No, I am alright. Just a little tired.".

Her head remained on my chest and remained silent, she questioned softly "Why am I hearing heartbeat on my pillow?".

I couldn't help myself but chuckled a little at her cuteness and innocence. Ariana has nothing special on her but innocence, that's what I love the most on her.

Her innocence and cuteness always melted my heart.

I chuckled and replied softly "Because this is pillowtalk. You will only listen to the pillowtalk when the pillow is down.".

She chuckled innocently since she didn't understand me clearly "Really? I listen to Pillowtalk often even without my pillow.".

She got up from my chest and widened her eyes in surprise after seeing me sitting beside her on her bed.

She jumped a little and questioned me innocently "Oh my gosh, Justin. I am so so sorry? I really don't know that's you.".

I chuckled and explained to her "Why are you apologizing to me? It's not your fault, I am the one who sit beside you.".

Innocence isn't exactly the only word to describe Ariana but also energetic and positive minded. She was just in a huge mess yesterday or maybe few hours ago, but now she could behave like nothing was actually happening on her.

How? How possibly could a girl be so positive minded and so strong?

I paused for a second and hinted her "Ariana, stop being so caring. Don't always take everything as your fault. Sometime, something may happen but don't always criticize yourself because I could be the one who make mistake, not you.".

She nodded and turned away from me which caused me question her curiously "Why are you turning away from me?".

She chuckled and admitted "Well, it's my habit, my sleeping position. I used to face this side since I move here.".

"Why? You really have a weird sleeping position.", I chuckled.

She paused for a while and replied with a smile "Well, actually because of you.".

I furrowed my eyebrows and reassured with her confusedly "Me? How?".

She shrugged and said "I know this sounds a little weird and creepy. I used to face at your couch every night when I sleep. I will only sleep well after ensuring that you fell asleep before me.".

My whole body was stunned for a few seconds at her answer. She even managed to notice this little detail about me. How the hell is she so caring?

She sat up on her bed, I questioned her by furrowing my eyebrows at her "Ariana, why don't you sleep? It's still so early.".

I checked out the time on my phone and reminded her "It's only... 5 in the morning currently.".

I questioned myself in shock "What the fuck? It's been 5 o' clock right now and I had been sitting her for hours. I didn't even sleep at all.".

Arranged MarriageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora