Chapter 35

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Ariana's POV

"Why are you here, Justin?", I said in a surprise tone after noticing his sudden and unexpected appearance standing in front of Thomas's house.

I looked around and questioned him curiously "Where is Miss Annie? She dropped me by over here just now.".

He approached me and snatched my luggage away from me gently, he answered my question with a mischievous smirk "I don't know but it doesn't matter because I'm here now, princess.".

I rolled my eyes at his arrogance and his self confidence.

He elevated his head from my eyes to the building behind me, he questioned me with a satisfied tone "Did the Ryan guy say anything to you before you leave?".

I bit my lips in hesitation and took a deep breath as I decided to tell him the truth "Justin, talking about Ryan. Actually...".

He cut me off by placing his finger in front of my lips, he whispered softly "It's okay, let's not talk about him now. Let's go home to get some rest now. Besides, I need you to do me a favor.".

I raised an eyebrow and asked him confusedly "What favor? What can I help you?".

A smirk was grown slowly on his face, his right hand reached my left hand slowly and interlocked our fingers together, he whispered "Well, let's get back home and you will see.".

Without allowing me to reject his request, he held my hand and brought me to his car, he turned on his engine and shifting the gear into driving mode.

Throughout the whole journey, silence was filled between both of us. Justin was focusing on the road while I was literally looking at the view outside of the car.

His right hand reached both of my hands and started caressing my skin, he looked at me and broke the silence by asking me "So, who's that Ryan guy?".

I furrowed my eyebrows and scolded at him "Justin, both hands on steering and eyes on road please.".

He pulled his hand away from me and back to steering, he surrendered "Fine, okay.".

He turned on the right indicator and took a right turn by spinning his steering with both hands.

There's a few seconds of silence between both of us once again as Justin thought I didn't want to talk with him but he's wrong.

I bit my lips and decided to speak him the truth "Actually, he's not Ryan. He's just my friend, Thomas.".

He raised an eyebrow without looking at me and still focusing on the road, he reassured with me "Friend? Friend with benefit?".

I denied instantly by swearing and defending myself, I said rapidly by holding my breath "No, he's my friend. I promise we are just friends, nothing more than that.".

He chuckled and teased me "Why are you so nervous? I am just asking you, I am not judging you or making a statement on you.".

I crossed my arms and looked away from him, but he chuckled again by saying "That's what I love so much about you, you are so adorable and never fail to open my heart and make me happy.".

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