Chapter 10

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Xenia's POV

"Xenia, I think we should move to European for our new life without any money and my dad's support or help. We can work hard together over there and start a new life.".

"I know you will promise me, if you love me no matter how poor I am, right?", Justin who was standing in front of me with a hand in his pocket of his jeans and a huge smirk was shown on his face.

He approached me and held my hands into his chest, he looked at me with his usual puppy eyes and reassured with me "Would you?".

My whole body tensed up. I pulled myself away from him by taking a few steps backward, I questioned him in shaky tone "Are you threatening me?".

This isn't the Justin I knew, he never talked to me with this kind on manner and tone. Is he threatening me or did he just suspect something?

If he did, then I am done.

He denied obviously and tried to defend "Hell no, it's just a suggestion. We can even get my parents' blessing, and Ariana is an another issue between us. But at oversea, we are free. No one is going to stop us.".

I looked at him in shock and questioned him "Free? Without money, without any job, nothing? Are you insane? We could have already died before we get to marry.".

He tried to calm myself down by giggling, but he failed miserably. "Listen, I don't care about money. We can start a new life there. I remembered you told me that you love Paris, them why don't we move there? I can look for a job.".

"Rich people have fancy life, but poor people still have their own life as well. Money isn't the matter but happiness.", he added.

I yelled at him unexpectedly "Justin, stop being so childish. This isn't a fairytale. There's no such happiness exist in this world, money is all the matter. Without money, we are all dead. Without money, we can't survive there?".

He approached me and held my hands again, he replied "We can write our own fairytale.".

I really couldn't stand him anymore, I yelled at him again "Justin, please be realistic. You should understand how important money is if we move oversea. Your dad will freeze your bank account in every way.".

He held my wrist immediately without any realization, he looked into my eyes and questioned me "Xenia, can please stop mentioning money at least for once?".

I shut up immediately as I realized how stupid I was. Did I really keep mentioning money all of the time?

If I did, then he must have started suspecting me something.

He was about to say something but I cut him off to defend myself and my plan. I kissed his lips as our lips were moving passionately to each other. He moved his hand from my wrist to my waist slowly as I knew he was melting from anger.

I pulled him away slowly and replied "Justin, I am sorry. I am just overreacting. I feel insecure without money because I don't want to live life like I used to be.".

He hugged me and whispered softly "It's okay. I understand your childhood life and your insecurity.".

I hugged him back as well and thanked him "Thank you. Justin, sorry for causing misunderstanding. Money really isn't really that matter.".

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