Chapter 8

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Justin's POV

"Justin! Justin!", a familiar voice was heard through an echo. She sounded terrible and broken.

I jumped a little from my bed and looking at the familiar figure with the broken voice who was standing right beside me.

I knew clearly that she's Ariana. She looked kinda different today. But in a bad way.

I widened my eyes in disbelief but I was a little freaked out as well. I got up myself from my bed to show her my concern "Ariana, what's wrong with you?".

She elevated her head slowly to reach my eyes level and I swore this just gave me a heart attack.

I saw half of her face is full of joys while the another half of her looked broken, like the best and worst side of her.

It's like she only done her make up on half of her face while the another half she made it look terrible intentionally.

The left side of her face was full of happiness. She held her genuine and beautiful smile at me. She comforted me "Justin, I will learn to love you no matter what. I hope you can lead me a chance.".

She looked exactly like how she look yesterday night when we took those selfies. She really looked so good as she does.

However, what freaked me the most is the another side of her. She looked like a totally different person. She looked terrible, scars and blood are everywhere on her face. The worst thing is that her eyes were bleeding.

She looked so weak and kept calling my name "Justin, Justin, Justin. Why are you doing this to me? Why?".

I took a few steps backward a little bit as I was really afraid of her right now. I kinda knew what did she mean but I still decided to question her "What? What have I done to you?".

She was on tears, no I mean on blood. She was crying blood. She shook her head and pointed her finger at my heart, she returned "You knew that, Justin. Why are you doing this to me? Where's your conscience?".

Slowly, the broken side of her overtook the happy side of her as the pale skin of her was stretching and started vacuuming or dissolving the happy side of her.

Now, she was totally turned into a broken Ariana. Her eyes were bleeding. She was crying but bleeding on her eyes. Slowly, her eyes dropped from her eyes' sockets, and she has no eyes at all now.

However, she was still crying blood despite not having her eyes anymore. In her eyes, I see nothing but dark and black. She's hollow inside.

Slowly, she started melting from head to toe in front of me and turned into a kind of wax. However, her eyes were opened fully and still remained on the floor.

Her eyes remained on the wax of her and looking directly at me with a broken and helpless look.

A voice of her appeared from nowhere through echo "Justin, you better watch out.".

Suddenly, phone ringtone interrupted everything. I jumped a little and groaned "Er!!!".

I opened my squeezing eyes as wide as I could immediately as I was struggling to get away from this nightmare as well.

I looked at my left and my right. For god sake, I was still in my room. My breathe taking was fast and heavy as this nightmare literally just freaked me out.

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