Just then, Jase exited Harry's house with a hand over his eye. Why was Jase at Harry's house? I contemplated whether to investigate, but decided that it would be for the best if I didn't. I just realized that my life would be a hundred times easier if I were to just ignore Harry and any situation that surrounds him. I should have listened to every warning I was ever given. It was as if I was walking in a path with various signs saying "DO NOT ENTER, KILLER BEAR ON THE LOOSE" with the mindset that I wasn't going to get completely mauled by the bear. The bear of course being Harry.

Anyways, I shouldn't interfere with their familial problems. Harry definitely hates me and I'm pretty sure Jase does as well.

Jase made brief eye contact with me, probably noticing my poorly executed way of pretending to not notice what was going on. I pursed my lips and gave a small wave. Jase reluctantly waves back, revealing his black eye.

"Wait, are you okay?" I called out to him as he began to walk away.

"Yeah," he replied vaguely, avoiding me.

My heart ached. I could ignore Harry. He's done so many things that could lead to my hating him. Jase, however, has done nothing wrong. He made me feel welcomed, introduced me to friends, and genuinely made me feel happy. All I have ever done in return was hurt him.

"Jase, wait!" I called after him again.

He stopped in his tracks. "What?"

"Please wait right here. Don't go anywhere. I know that you might hate me right now, but please don't leave from this exact spot, okay? Don't move."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Why? What are you doing?"

"Don't worry about it. Just worry about not leaving right now, okay?" And with that, I quickly dashed into my house.


I came out of my house, half expecting Jase to be completely gone. Fortunately, he was still there. He was sitting on the ground, poking at our grass.

"Here," I said, handing him a ziplock bag full of ice. "I know that people usually give other people bags of frozen peas but my family doesn't buy frozen peas or any frozen vegetable so I hope this will suffice."

Jase stared blankly at the bag in front of him as if I were trying to hand him a baby squirrel or something. He then smiled at me for the first time in a while. "Thanks."

He held the bag up to his eye as I sat down next to him.

We sat there awkwardly, not knowing when to talk or who should initiate the conversation for a good minute until I finally spoke up. "You don't have to tell me about what just happened if you don't want to."

"It'd be for the best if I didn't."


More silence.


"What now?" I looked at Jase as he looked to the ground.

"I don't hate you. I know I've been acting like a dick lately, but I just didn't know how to talk to you," he admitted. He smiled slightly and chuckled. "If I'd known that it would take a punch to the face in order to initiate a proper conversation with you, I probably wouldn't have acted this way."

I smiled at him. "I'm sorry as well. I've been a completely shitty person to you."

"No you haven't."

"Yes I have. Even now, we're sitting on the dirty ground outside of my house because I haven't even invited you in yet and I feel terrible. You wanna come inside?"

Jase smiled. "No, it's alright. I was about to leave anyways."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. So, do you want your ice back or?"

"Don't worry. I've got plenty of that. Keep it."

With that, Jase left. I felt happy that he actually talked to me. I would've hated myself even more if I left knowing that he hated me.

I went back inside my house, feeling less like a shit human being and wondering what happened between Jase and Harry.


Two thousand years have passed and this person decides to finally update. Wow. Much applaud. (Also this story is ending soon but like you know the extra chapters w H's pov will still be a thing)

Did I just announce the near ending to my story so casually in parentheses????

Well that's awkward.

How are you guys? Are you guys alright? How was your day? Mine was GREAT jk it was aight idk why I did that ok bye love u ok


Punk Harry ImagineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon