
19 1 0

Sorry for another one of these, but I've been feeling really terrible lately physically and mentally, one reason because my mom just abused me and my dog. I also just got my phone taken away so no music, and worst of all, my mom threatened to take me to a foster home, but luckily I think there would be better than with her. But I will miss my sister, dad and dogs. But overall I just want to say that my mom's a real bitch, okay? She literally took my phone out of my hand, buttdialed a friend of mine who probably heard her say, "You don't need to tell your friend that I just abused a do because I don't need to go to jail." I mean, I was so pissed. I wish she could go to jail, she literally abused me and my dog. That's just not okay.

I mean, I'm only in sixth grade, I know some people are younger and have to go through this everyday, and I honestly feel bad for them and me. Hopefully you aren't bored with me yet, but I guess now my mom and I are good. I don't get my phone until Monday, so let's pray for a short weekend, mostly because I don't have school on Monday.

OKAYYYYYYY BAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!111!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!

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