Suicide Squad

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Driving around the city, wind in your hair, laughing maniacally, drunk, 20 mph over speed limit. The police finally caught up with you, but started driving faster. In a blur, you two crashed and were "rescued" by the police. Of course Joker got out in enough time, but you trusted him.

You woke up, in a strange cell made of metal. "Sir, she's awake." A guard said.

"Great." The man said. Your vision was too blurry to see any small details, but one was skinny and one was rather large. "Hey, (Y/N), you're alive." He said creepily.

"Great." You said sarcastically.

"Hey, we can knock you out again. Your choice." He said.

"What even is your name?"

"Roger Fields." (I'M SORRY I ACTUALLY DON'T ACTUALLY  KNOW BUT JUST GO WITH IT!) Then you passed out. Again.

"EVERYONE WAKE UP! BIG DAY!" Roger announced. After almost a year in a high security prison, you've gotten used to everyone. Harley, Deadshot, everyone else. It was all but a bit lonely without everyone's family.

"Ughh..." You could hear everyone groan.

Being the person you were, "Yayyyy!" You sarcastically yelled.

"Shut up already! Jesus!" Harley laughed.

"Chill, girl! I was only joking!" You said when she slapped your arm.

Only a few of the prisoners, including you, Deadshot, Harley, the alligator guy, El Diablo and a few other stupid people. We came in one by one, all strapped down. They poked a needle in your neck and you flinched a little.

You were rolled out one by one again, a lady talked, you had to help save the world and we would be rewarded after. If you weren't killed beforehand.

Blah, blah, blah, we saved the world, now us alive GET a life of luxury in prison for a shorter amount of time. Yay.

YES! I UPDATED! Also sorry for the long wait, I don't have my computer charger, it is at my gran's house so I'm currently working on my phone. Bai!

Various x Reader preferences and imagines! (Continuing!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora