Snow is Falling

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(I totally didn't have to watch one of his videos for this...)

You were driving to the supermarket with Zoe to get groceries like usual. You were at the checkout aisle when Zoe got a call from a blocked number. She answered.

"Snow is falling, all around me..." It was Joe's voice.

"Joe, I'm just at a checkout in a supermarket." Zoe giggled.

"Snow is f-" He continue.

"Can I call you back in a minute?" She asked.

"Wait hand me the phone." You told Zoe. "Hello? Joe, is that you?"


"What were you asking?" You raised your eyebrows.

"Snow is fallin' all around me..." He repeated.

"Children playin' having fun." You sang.

"It's the season, loving and understanding, Merry Christmas everyone." You both sang together. You blushed as you realised he might've been filming.

"Joe, are you filming?" You asked.

"Yeah, why? Do you care? You have an amazing voice." He replied.

"Because I don't want it on your channel, I do care and... I sound good?"

"You sound amazing, (Y/N)."

"Thanks. I'll catch you later, okay?"

"Yeah, okay." He ended the call.

"Sorry it took so long." You handed Zoe her phone back.

"Haha, my brother likes you, it's fine." She laughed.

"Wait, your brother likes me?" You questioned.

"Oh my god, (Y/N)! It's so obvious! How did you not know?" She widened her eyes.

"I don't know!" You laughed.

"Oh my." Zoe rolled her eyes.

You arrived at Joe's house and he just got done filming. He heard the door open and close, he came over to you and gave both you and Zoe a hug.

"Hello, Miss (L/N) and Miss Sugg." He said, bowing.

"Hello, Mr. Sugg." You said while curtsying.

"You guys are perfect for each other." Zoe mumbled.

"Hm?" You and Joe said at the same time.

"Nothing." Zoe winked.

"Wonderful." You said.


You and Zoe walked into the kitchen, grabbed a water for each of you and headed upstairs to Joe's room. "Wow, it's actually clean in here!" You laughed. Joe blushed and laughed along with the rest of you.

"Haha, yeah I was doing a video." He said, looking at you. You raised your eyebrows and had a smirk on your face.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom. Be back in a minute!" Zoe said.

Joe was looking at his phone when you said, "Is true you like me?" He blushed, his eyes not leaving the screen. "Is it?" You repeated. His cheeks flushed more, tearing his eyes away from the screen.

"Who said that?" Joe said. You looked down.

"Zoe." The next thing you knew there were soft lips on yours and you didn't pull away, knowing it was Joe. You leaned into the kiss as Zoe walked in.

"Jeez! I was only gone for a while!"

Various x Reader preferences and imagines! (Continuing!)Where stories live. Discover now