Christmas is Here

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As usual, you two were snuggling and sitting on the couch together. You two were currently watching Polar Express (Sorry if you don't like it, I just chose randomly).

You were laughing at something cheesy someone said, as Dan leaned toward your ear.

"(Y/N), it's Christmas Eve." He whispered in your ear.

"I know that, weirdo." You whispered back in his ear, causing him to laugh. "I got you something on Black Friday and I almost died." He laughed again.

"Oh, the risks you'l take for me." He smirked.

You two then heard a faint, "SENPAI SO PRETTY!" from upstairs. "I swear to god, Phil won't stop playing Yandere Simulator!" He chuckled.


"Yeesus! Calm down you two!" You giggled.

"What the hell does 'yeesus' mean?" Dan asked, looking at you.

"It's like saying Jesus, but instead, Yeesus."

He made a sort of "Ah," sounds, but it came out as more of a hum.

"Ooh! It's 5:30! Let's make food!" You said. "I have some chicken we can cook, I'll just do that, sound good?" Dan said yes and Phil yelled, "JUST MAKE US FOOD!"

You were awoken the next morning by a violent shake from Dan's arms.

"Whaaaaaat..." You moaned as you rolled over on your stomach.

"It's Christmas!" Dan yelled.

"What time is it?" You asked.

"It's 9."

"LET'S OPEN PRESENTS!" Phil said as he came dancing in the room in footie pajamas.

"Oh, god... Fine." You said as you got up and walked downstairs.

Turns out, everyone loved their presents. Especially Dan, who got a new Virtual Reality that he'd been asking for. You invited some family and some friends for dinner that night.

Man, I love Christmas.


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