Winter Wonderland

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You watched out the window as snow kept falling from the light grey skies. Felix was outside playing with Maya and Edgar in the powdered snow. You heard something hit the window in front of you, Felix threw a snowball at it. Edgar had a snow blanket on himself, running around and Maya was trying to play with Edgar.

You went to the kitchen and started to make hot chocolate for the two of you. You went to the window and tapped on it so Felix could hear, you saw his beautiful blue eyes look up at you. You lifted your mug and raised your eyebrows. He got the memo and started to walk inside.

"Ah, yes. Hot chocolate, my bae." He said in that weird voice of his that you've always loved. Then, he started to sip it, smiling with warmth.

"Woah, chill out! You can have that any time of the year!" You exclaimed, eyes widened.

"But it's better during winter!" Felix laughed. You rolled your eyes and shook your head.

"You really are the brightest." You laughed. "That was sarcasm by the way."

"Thanks, (y/n)." Felix nodded and pursed his lips.

"Yeah, no problem"

Various x Reader preferences and imagines! (Continuing!)Where stories live. Discover now